Message from @I-VaPE-ChEMtrAiLS
Discord ID: 495468397715390464
wasn't America already involved in the Middle East before the attack
Not really that involved.
also, want to point out that the shares of OSI are down about 16% from last year
>not that involved
I agree with a few conspiracy points but instead of Satanists I blame Capitalism
*looks at the gulf war*
@The Gwench well yes i do agree partially, it's just i think Bush took advantage of it to invade the MidEast
*looks at Israel*
yeah, the US barely interfered in the Middle East before 9/11
@dumblebore ๐ So what Iโm getting is that Bush saw an opportunity? Is that what youโre saying? And that 911 was not an inside job?
The government saw an opportunity to increase surveillance, however 9/11 wasn't planned by them
@I-VaPE-ChEMtrAiLS Who do you think planned the demolition of Building 7?
Same people wot did the plane stuff
Well we can agree that it was the same people. But which people are we talking about @I-VaPE-ChEMtrAiLS
Al Qaeda
Dang remember when they were big
Feels like ages ago
Maybe the guys screaming "death to America"
you know why they arent anymore?
cause MURICA
Back the nice ISIS people they hate Al Qaeda
lol wot
@The Gwench yeah im not _that_ much into 9/11 being an inside job
ISIS made a stupid move
they took terriitory
@I-VaPE-ChEMtrAiLS So you think Al Qaeda orchestrated the controlled demolition of building 7?
most likely
Yeah probably not that into 9/11 it's a bit before my time
Al Qaeda isn't really bearded men shouting allahoakbar. they have some level of sophistication too.
@I-VaPE-ChEMtrAiLS Thatโs too bad. That one single event changed or impacted everyoneโs lives.
Especially when they behead people on the internet
besides Osama belonged to one of Saudi's richest families, he could very well have contacts who helped him out
I was 5, so I didn't realise or understand it at the time
also, i do think a bit of the Saudi establishment helped in carrying it out
I remember 7/7 in the UK tho
7/7 was the train attack?