Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 495733386305077259
Yea 2 states above. Goes souther California (basically mexico) then northern cali. Then oregon. Then Washington
Was joking on the bssically mexico. Its just souther cali is turning into a crap hole imo. lol
California had some of the best insuranced / richest producing crops and real estate
#CHINA #Deepstate #FleecingOfAmerica
Interesting video. Check it out. Ton of info packed in a small amount of time
well considering U-236 is naturally accuring
and mica is a farly common mineral
and Np 237 while only found in trace amounts can be found naturally
So what is the moon then
Swiss or American ?
American Cheese
mmmm pepperjack
Maybe the moon is a bowl of smokey white cheddar mac n cheese
*steals and noms*
@Citizen Z i think you posted the same explination for a role more then once
Which one
well,i count the CIA one 3 times
you copied the 9/11 through cyptids twice
@Citizen Z is repeated
Wow Citizen you gonna let him call you out like that
Ban him
@Citizen Z was Britney Spears a masochist?
right now im designing my CPU in logisim
Use baby blue
@DrPeper Many of the conspiracies can overlap, but are still considered its own conspiracy
gwench, it is literally the same thing copied twice