Message from @^Kevin^
Discord ID: 499037555094716429
lets not make this overly complicated
Oh stop
I was talking about telepathy
I like being complicated.
and I made a quick diversion to 6 degrees of seperation to get back to telepathy and sort of combine them
basically we are connected to each other
Ok. Now that’s a new one. Lol
I don't need to talk to a person and have them carry the message
okay, I ran this experiment and I didn't tell many people
so this is a secret between you and me
Here. In lounge? Ok
for weeks on end
I thought about the importance of taking bath and conserving water
conserving hot water
so you turn on the cold water first and then the hot water, till its comfortable
so basically you get a longer bath/shower
save energy
but I only thought it, and hard, all the time
for weeks
I had family members talking about this exact same phenomenon in my presense confirming telepathy is real
I didn't tell them what I was thinking about hard
they just picked it up, wanted me to move on in my thoughts, which I wasn't going to do unless it was talked about
my point is we are telepathic
tested and proved
Ok. So how can this be used for something more useful?
practice and training, you could communicate thoughts between people
without talking
I guess I could try it on my coworkers. Lol
not everyone has the same gifts
some people don't even think magic/psionics is real
fair warning, don't do black magic
I don’t know...
karma is real, stuff will come back at you 3 fold
if your going to wish someone dead, (god) bless them first to protect you from the karma
I used to have weird things happen as a child.
not everyone has the same abilities
I'm psychic, I can see the future
use to have psychic dream