Message from @Soldz (CF)
Discord ID: 523373887988170762
The Vatican is truly scum of the earth
Macron is a coward. How ironic...he is yellow. 😂
I picked up this interesting post from a fellow anon.
"Picture this: You’re driving home from the casino and you've absolutely cleaned up – to the tune of $50,000. You see a police car pull up behind you, but you can’t figure out why. Not only have you not broken any laws, you’re not even speeding. But the police officer doesn’t appear to be interested in charging you with a crime. Instead, he takes your gambling winnings, warns you not to say anything to anyone unless you want to be charged as a drug kingpin, then drives off into the sunset."
Yellow vests hit Israel.
Next week is the 22nd right
Ah crap
I wonder why they would tax that girl
She doesn't seem like she did anything wrong
But that isn't what it is, trying to tax text messages from everyone in CA
Which is kinda dumb tbh
Yeah its weird
And the FCC already banned it so they can't so that anyways unless they want to break the law of the land
Also means that the privacy of text messages are compromised
Could be some shadow echelon
Under the guise of monitoring communication of civilians
Most likely just a bunch of greedy douchebags
But remember we still live in the age where businesses run the world, manipulation of these organisations means you can easily run the world without notice
They said they were doing it for school programs or just programs in general @Citizen Z
To help the needy
There ya go
Definitely shady shit
The moment you use education to back something people don't give it another thought
Holy shit Sam's made me a paranoid lunatic