Message from @DrPeper
Discord ID: 539967955061178368
and altitude
knots has to do with throughing a rope with knots into the water
its 1 nautical mile per hour
yes, because a nautical mile is a constant meassurement
a nautrical mile is 1,852 meters
how is that not constant i have proof that a unit of meassurement is constant?
much easier for you to realizee there is nothing weird going on
*rolls eyes*
agreed, chemtrails are fake. glad we agree
yes planet x and nibiru an Aliens UFOs arefake
whats your point?
that isnt weird
it is weird when people believe in them
no it isnt
poeple believe all sorts of stupid thing
sorry mooom
erf is a manatee
its a sea cow
@Citizen Z I cant post pictures
erf is a sea cow
see, erf is a sea cow
We never fixed that
@Soldz (CF) really
It was working last night
What did you two do when I went to sleep