Message from @Mother

Discord ID: 278287272770666496

2017-02-06 21:56:32 UTC  

And claim that BLM is minimizing our messaging.

2017-02-06 21:57:08 UTC  

If we can find incidences of Jews being attacked by blacks, BLM especially, we can use that to gaslight.

2017-02-06 21:57:44 UTC  

Ayy I like that

2017-02-06 21:58:00 UTC  

Go after BLM, the hoteps, and the black Israelites furst

2017-02-06 21:58:25 UTC  

Hoteps and the blacks are the og Hebrews first

2017-02-06 21:58:32 UTC  

Then blm

2017-02-06 21:59:40 UTC  

We must make the jews into deus vultets

2017-02-06 21:59:46 UTC  


2017-02-06 22:00:35 UTC  

@Death Strike's Bat I don't know if any order is necessary.
@Mother We could say something to the effect of how the Schwarze are blaming Jews for their bad money management in sports and music. We could possibly say the are lumping Jews in with Whites and that makes them racist and anti-semitic but I feel like there is a simpler, more ostensibly organic and self interested message somewhere in there.

2017-02-06 22:00:42 UTC  

One that I am missing.

2017-02-06 22:00:47 UTC  

We need to brainwash idiots like communismkills x 100

2017-02-06 22:01:22 UTC  

CK fights homos and trans now I'm tiwttee flame wars

2017-02-06 22:01:43 UTC  

Who is CK?

2017-02-06 22:02:05 UTC  

Jdf manface

2017-02-06 22:04:29 UTC  

Jewish Defense Force? They have a woman in charge now huh? Also, I am willing to use Twitter and all of that but, does anybody have any info on the spyware that comes from Twitter? Similar for any other social media? I have a free computer and some good removal/defense software but I just want to know more about it. Does it only work when you are logged into twitter or when you download an app? Also, does everybody else trust the discord app?

2017-02-06 22:06:02 UTC  

What does Twatter's spyware consist of?

2017-02-06 22:07:11 UTC  

Yes, that's what we're doing, creating a separate identity of Jews in the eyes of the Blaeks.

2017-02-06 22:12:08 UTC  

LOL!! The spyware is their ability to track your credit card transactions, likely their ability to track other chats and keystrokes and that kind of thing. They keep very exhaustive information on everybody that makes an account there. They will publicly list what they find out you buy, even if it is toiletries, sex stuff or porn. Like I said, I do have a computer that I don't care gets bugged and that I might be able to even reverse their infiltration on later, I just wanted to know what you know.

2017-02-06 22:13:04 UTC This is also a good heads up for when we game twitter.

2017-02-06 22:14:16 UTC  

Fuck them. Do what I do and recycle a prepaid card every 3-6 months.

2017-02-06 22:14:40 UTC  

@Mother LOL. Just wanted to get it all out there Mamia.

2017-02-06 22:15:09 UTC  

@Maarat Is this the same communismkills as on Tumblr?

2017-02-06 22:15:18 UTC  

What I know is, learn and use Linux.

2017-02-06 22:16:36 UTC  

Working on it. The problem with me is, I get started on stuff and then more subject come into my view and then I try to multitask. I am also looking into making my own computer system so that I can control my tech how I want it to be. I want it to look a certain way too. I don't know why we can't have aluminum keyboards if they can be used at the ATM.

2017-02-06 22:18:31 UTC  

You know what I would love? A smart house that isn't hacker bait. Reaching for the stars? I would like to take a shit and still do what I was doing at the computer on a fixture cropped tablet. Don't worry, I'm meticulous with my cleanliness. I just hate breaking away when nature calls. Also, one damn remote, likely as a tablet, that can control my Roku AND the volume on my tv. Bastards.

2017-02-06 22:20:24 UTC  

Smart houses will be hackers wet dreams.

2017-02-06 22:20:45 UTC  

Be the State's wet dream too

2017-02-06 22:21:03 UTC  

Surveillance systems will be hacked and streams to Selena Gomez nude showering or what not will be sold on the black market.

2017-02-06 22:22:10 UTC  

I know they WILL but, damn it, convenience and feeling of control/actual control if you know what you are ordering come at such a price beyond the monetary value. Can't a product of his era lament that?

2017-02-06 22:25:47 UTC  

My company looks at this subject matter. What we've found is that most companies putting out IoT devices barely do anything on their security.

2017-02-06 22:26:00 UTC  

They just get to market ASAP to establish their position as market leaders.

2017-02-06 22:30:03 UTC  

Isn't that the history of the tech market? I know people who actually PRAISE this negligence.

2017-02-06 22:31:51 UTC  

If they want to leave that market to others, sure.

2017-02-06 22:32:17 UTC  

But imagine a company focused on IoT security that wants to go into a vertial such as smart homes.

2017-02-06 22:32:26 UTC  

Who do you think people would trust?

2017-02-06 22:35:39 UTC  

I didn't realize they started in security before going into smarthomes. I just thought they were gadget companies jumping on a bandwagon. Besides, when I say the negligence is praised, I mean they look at, Microsoft for instance, and say that it is genius of them to release a product that is incomplete and then use updates to patch them. If a security company wants to smart your house, that would be something people would trust. What do you know about the SAFE company? Are they this underhanded?

2017-02-06 22:53:32 UTC  

@-A Mister Metokur is hilarious.

2017-02-06 23:06:25 UTC  

I love that fucker but he is so damn flaky about releasing vids. He really should be more frequent because this is his calling.

2017-02-06 23:06:35 UTC  

@-A yeah and tiwtterm

2017-02-06 23:06:49 UTC  

Total nutjob and wtf jawline