Message from @profagonist

Discord ID: 283459529671311364

2017-02-21 04:38:18 UTC  

Things like this are why Timothy "Everyone but Me Is a Shill" Fitzgerald thinks the alt-right is "limited hangout."

2017-02-21 04:38:24 UTC  

I put a pretty high burden of proof on these things so I am waiting to see how this turns out

2017-02-21 04:41:37 UTC  

“No, no, no. You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means,” Mr. Yiannopoulos says on the tape, in which he is talking to radio hosts in a video chat. “Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty,” he adds, dismissing the fact that 13-year-olds are children.

The notion of consent, he says, is “arbitrary and oppressive.”

At one point in the video, an unknown speaker says that the behavior being defended by Mr. Yiannopoulos is akin to molestation by Catholic priests. Mr. Yiannopoulos responds, in an ironic tone, by crediting a priest for having helped develop his sexual technique.

(archive's not working)

2017-02-21 04:42:40 UTC  

I don't think 16 is a totally unreasonable age of consent, but really the only bargaining around the age of consent should be for sexually active teenagers in an immature but demonstrably consensual relationship

2017-02-21 04:42:57 UTC  


2017-02-21 04:43:00 UTC  

Otherwise people belong on lists and in jail, etc

2017-02-21 04:43:21 UTC  

I don't like that quote at all.

2017-02-21 04:43:34 UTC  

milo is a fucking faggot

2017-02-21 04:43:37 UTC  

I cant see that a joke either

2017-02-21 04:44:00 UTC  

Luckily I am not emotionally invested in him or that would suck

2017-02-21 04:44:00 UTC  

Yeah I don't think it was a joke

2017-02-21 04:44:11 UTC  

I don't understand who could be at this point

2017-02-21 04:44:13 UTC  

I was a big fan around this time last year

2017-02-21 04:44:16 UTC  

Fans of Ben Shapiro?

2017-02-21 04:44:16 UTC  

he's a faggot, why I would be emotionally invested?

2017-02-21 04:44:25 UTC  

Not a benji guy either

2017-02-21 04:44:35 UTC  

Yeah but that non-nuanced alt-right kinda mentality

2017-02-21 04:45:07 UTC  

Benji can have good arguments from time to time depending on the subject I would use him for reasearch on a topic

2017-02-21 04:45:52 UTC  
2017-02-21 04:45:55 UTC  

@Death Strike's Bat you have to understand when I was a Milo fan I was an Alt-Lite Ancap at best

2017-02-21 04:46:58 UTC

Another senior editor at the publication told Washingtonian Monday that "at least a half dozen" employees are prepared to leave to organization because of remarks Yiannopoulos made about pedophilia that gained attention this weekend.

“The fact of the matter is that there’s been so many things that have been objectionable about Milo over the last couple of years, quite frankly. This is something far more sinister,” the senior editor said.

“If the company isn’t willing to act, there are at least half a dozen people who are willing to walk out over it.”


Yiannopoulos denounced claims that he was advocating for pedophilia in a Facebook post Monday.

"I am a gay man, and a child abuse victim,” Yiannopoulos wrote. "I would like to restate my utter disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors. I am horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career as a journalist to exposing child abusers. I've outed three of them, in fact -- three more than most of my critics. And I've repeatedly expressed disgust at pedophilia in my feature and opinion writing. My professional record is very clear.”

"But I do understand that these videos, even though some of them are edited deceptively, paint a different picture.”

2017-02-21 04:48:21 UTC  

He is having a press conference apparently

2017-02-21 04:48:26 UTC  

His closet SJW came out right there

2017-02-21 04:48:54 UTC  

Honestly, I've always picked Milo as a nihilist opportunist and liar

2017-02-21 04:49:04 UTC  

He curated that style

2017-02-21 04:49:08 UTC  

After he lost that TV debate with Boy George

2017-02-21 04:49:14 UTC  

hooo boy that was fuckin funny

2017-02-21 04:49:28 UTC  

Boy George successfully shaming him for being self-hating

2017-02-21 04:49:32 UTC  

He was endearing at first but becomes increasingly unreliable as you learn more

2017-02-21 04:49:45 UTC  

did he ever get that scholarship fund going?

2017-02-21 04:50:15 UTC  

Milo is scum

2017-02-21 04:50:33 UTC  

his original contributions around gamergate were appreciated but he is pure opportunist

2017-02-21 04:51:39 UTC  

@Ꜻnnihilation I even see those as opportunistic. His MRA stint, anti feminism shtick and now anti SJW act is just that.

2017-02-21 04:52:56 UTC  

It helps when is target demographic is pretty naive.

2017-02-21 04:53:06 UTC  


2017-02-21 04:53:12 UTC  

@nl319 indeed

2017-02-21 04:53:21 UTC  

his dickriders are hard to stomach

2017-02-21 04:53:42 UTC  

the whole back and forth between them and those boycotting is a massive tard fight

2017-02-21 04:53:52 UTC  

I just graduated college so when he talks about campus culture and white male issues he is very appealing