Message from @fallot

Discord ID: 287303186103140364

2017-03-03 19:12:29 UTC  

a longstanding MPC poster

2017-03-03 19:12:29 UTC  


2017-03-03 19:12:33 UTC  

who got big from his twitter bantz

2017-03-03 19:12:41 UTC  


2017-03-03 19:12:45 UTC  

and segued into alt right career

2017-03-03 19:12:48 UTC  

from posting career

2017-03-03 19:14:05 UTC  

And Cernovich?

2017-03-03 19:14:10 UTC  


2017-03-03 19:15:18 UTC  

fuck Ceronovich

2017-03-03 19:15:33 UTC  

lol yeah

2017-03-03 19:15:35 UTC  

just another self improvement pill seller

2017-03-03 19:15:46 UTC  

I mean, I'm not going to kick a gift horse in the mouth

2017-03-03 19:15:48 UTC  

he has a function

2017-03-03 19:16:26 UTC  

Yeah. He's quite opportunistic

2017-03-03 19:16:31 UTC  

out of the alt right I got the most traction out of two kinds of people

2017-03-03 19:16:43 UTC  

1) the sciency, HBD types

2017-03-03 19:16:55 UTC  

2) the philosophical christians

2017-03-03 19:17:22 UTC  

with the worst being a tie between the libertarian transhumanists and the gay mystical nazis

2017-03-03 19:17:32 UTC  

i.e. Nick Land / Counter Currents

2017-03-03 19:18:56 UTC  

"gay mystical nazis" is a fair assessment

2017-03-03 19:20:17 UTC  

people like that, especially secular people though not necessarily

2017-03-03 19:20:23 UTC  

have not actually shaken away the assumptions

2017-03-03 19:20:32 UTC  

drilled into them by their lives and environments

2017-03-03 19:20:41 UTC  

they are "liberals at heart"

2017-03-03 19:20:53 UTC  

and ultimately, their ideas reduce to liberalism in the end

2017-03-03 19:21:09 UTC  

unfortunately, even simple common sense does

2017-03-03 19:21:25 UTC  

I wish there was a serious secular figure who addressed the question

2017-03-03 19:21:32 UTC  

"what do we do about God"

2017-03-03 19:22:07 UTC  

Fair question too

2017-03-03 19:22:09 UTC  

Prozak is the only one who even has an attempt at that

2017-03-03 19:22:15 UTC  

A coherent worldview

2017-03-03 19:22:34 UTC  

Unfortunately I reject his and think it's evil/incoherent

2017-03-03 19:22:40 UTC  

but it's a try! I have to respect that

2017-03-03 19:22:42 UTC  

and a good one

2017-03-03 19:23:08 UTC  

others take too much for granted

2017-03-03 19:23:38 UTC  

only Christians and "Prozakian Nihilists" are not simply reacting to leftism

2017-03-03 19:23:50 UTC  

every other aspect of the alt right is simply responding to leftism

2017-03-03 19:24:09 UTC  

one can consider that the common sense approach

2017-03-03 19:26:50 UTC  

Really though that's what I've been left with: I DGAF about the left apart than to criticize; there must be a "what's next" notion. Otherwise the outrage "against" something dies over time.

2017-03-03 19:26:52 UTC  

the most reactive one is the men's rights stuff

2017-03-03 19:27:00 UTC  

yeah exactly