Message from @☯Ultra Supreme Elder Lord☯

Discord ID: 296459927264690176

2017-03-29 01:42:43 UTC  

he would have to be very fast then, I have typed messages at the same time as him in this chat

2017-03-29 01:42:46 UTC  

Haha yeah

2017-03-29 01:42:47 UTC  

four arms

2017-03-29 01:42:58 UTC  

I'm jk about that

2017-03-29 01:43:10 UTC  

But im not about him being a bullshit artist

2017-03-29 01:44:03 UTC  

Four arms would be unsurprising on a Hindu deity.

2017-03-29 01:44:08 UTC  


2017-03-29 01:44:28 UTC  

Hes typing on 2 smartphones at once

2017-03-29 01:44:40 UTC  

Well yeah, whether true or not, there's only so much we can know via the anonymity filters of the net anyway. But a lot of a person's character still shines through

2017-03-29 01:44:41 UTC  

Whacking off his 2 dicks with the other 2

2017-03-29 01:44:55 UTC  

mean on the internet

2017-03-29 01:44:57 UTC  


2017-03-29 01:44:59 UTC  

character shines through

2017-03-29 01:45:01 UTC  

@Kalvinyes this is it

2017-03-29 01:45:02 UTC  


2017-03-29 01:45:18 UTC  

The personality doesnt jibe with the statements

2017-03-29 01:45:30 UTC  

how so?

2017-03-29 01:45:38 UTC  

Ive told you clearly

2017-03-29 01:45:48 UTC  

You can choose to buy it

2017-03-29 01:45:51 UTC  

I dont

2017-03-29 01:45:54 UTC  

what you told did not logically follow your premise

2017-03-29 01:46:01 UTC  

I don't need to buy it

2017-03-29 01:46:06 UTC  

I know him in person

2017-03-29 01:46:12 UTC  

Do what you like

2017-03-29 01:46:16 UTC  

I actually travel and meet people

2017-03-29 01:46:25 UTC  

I dont know who you are, its not my issue

2017-03-29 01:46:41 UTC  

Yeah i avoid that

2017-03-29 01:46:45 UTC  

Traveling is gay

2017-03-29 01:46:49 UTC  

For dalits

2017-03-29 01:46:50 UTC  

now you're getting defensive because I deconstructed the false reality that once comforted you

2017-03-29 01:46:58 UTC  

you are unsettled that a guy like exilarch exists

2017-03-29 01:47:01 UTC  

At the end of day, why be constantly triggered and unpleasant? All he has to do is chill a bit and maybe we could work out a deal

2017-03-29 01:47:02 UTC  


2017-03-29 01:47:08 UTC  

that some medical mormon somewhere hates everyone

2017-03-29 01:47:17 UTC  


2017-03-29 01:47:41 UTC  

actually a lot of professionals are like this

2017-03-29 01:47:53 UTC  


2017-03-29 01:48:04 UTC  

they're put under intense stress for their career with little thanks for it, so they become internally conflicted and bitter

2017-03-29 01:48:14 UTC  

smile at you and then talk about what an idiot you were

2017-03-29 01:48:20 UTC  

like working in customer service

2017-03-29 01:48:22 UTC  

But where does he find all the time?