Message from @sampletext

Discord ID: 300621047944970240

2017-04-09 13:12:52 UTC  

will it still happen?

2017-04-09 13:12:56 UTC  

Lets Find Out!

2017-04-09 13:13:31 UTC  

I'm set to Invisible right now.

2017-04-09 13:13:40 UTC  

okay, type something

2017-04-09 13:14:13 UTC  

nah, doesn't work

2017-04-09 13:14:19 UTC  

you still see it

2017-04-09 13:14:35 UTC  

The fact that so many rock bands still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential"

2017-04-09 13:14:36 UTC  


2017-04-09 13:15:09 UTC  

the Beatles were significant

2017-04-09 13:15:11 UTC  

but screw them

2017-04-09 13:15:46 UTC  
2017-04-09 13:15:54 UTC  


2017-04-09 13:16:09 UTC  

the beatles suck

2017-04-09 13:16:37 UTC  

I think if any white male

2017-04-09 13:16:47 UTC  

seriously and diligently listened to the 2nd and 3rd Summoning albums

2017-04-09 13:16:53 UTC  

they would instantly become whole

2017-04-09 13:17:16 UTC  

maybe their politics and ideas would take time to settle into the new equilibrium

2017-04-09 13:17:19 UTC  

but they would be restored

2017-04-09 13:20:15 UTC  

doubt it

2017-04-09 13:20:24 UTC  

they dont care about that gay folk shit

2017-04-09 13:20:43 UTC  

most people are entirely musically illiterate

2017-04-09 13:20:51 UTC  

I have a lot of ideas about this stuff

2017-04-09 13:20:55 UTC  

because britney spears is just as good as beethoven sir

2017-04-09 13:20:57 UTC  

but lets assume they're able to listen to musiccc

2017-04-09 13:21:25 UTC  

the fundamental issue with a lot of these dudes is spiritual

2017-04-09 13:21:29 UTC  

without that fix

2017-04-09 13:21:32 UTC  

whatever idea they wander towards

2017-04-09 13:21:38 UTC  

will end up becoming something ugly, hateful

2017-04-09 13:22:00 UTC  

to go from an SJW to a literal Nazi is not a great improvement I think

2017-04-09 13:22:15 UTC  

the usual change is more like SJW to libertarian or vice versa

2017-04-09 13:22:36 UTC  

Varg probably understood this, hence his desire to rekindle the imaginations of mortals

2017-04-09 13:23:01 UTC  

when people lost touch with reality, they also lost touch with the reality of their humanity

2017-04-09 13:23:51 UTC  

what is the mindset that writes the Eddas, for example?

2017-04-09 13:24:04 UTC  

does it now exist? If not, how can it be reclaimed? Should it be?

2017-04-09 13:25:16 UTC  

perhaps im a bit closed-minded due to living around nothing but the absolute dumbest and shittiest people

2017-04-09 13:25:26 UTC  

no one likes anything other than gangster rap here

2017-04-09 13:26:11 UTC  

its easy to write people off on that basis, but you've got to consider what they see in it

2017-04-09 13:26:29 UTC  

in an atmosphere which is completely devoid of an expression of masculinity that can be accepted by the wider culture

2017-04-09 13:26:40 UTC  

it makes sense that people would find this sort of stuff attractive

2017-04-09 13:27:13 UTC  

it doesn't seem credible to me that most white fans of rap are into the same things these rappers rap about

2017-04-09 13:27:16 UTC  

they are into their "aura"