Message from @fallot
Discord ID: 343533053064380429
just put a gun to their head and force them to be conservative or else death and eventually it will just be their culture and you can put the gun down
when people are forced to do something, they may rationalize it
that's more likely to be a generational effect
the people who you put the gun to may not ever be true believers
but their children and children's children may be
well yeah, the first gen will still remember the old way, the second won't
however that's no guarantee either
look at the Donmeh in Turkey
why do you do this bro
their leader became Muslim on threat of death by the Sultan
why do you split hairs
just telling it how it is
its not splitting hairs
if you say its one way, but it isn't, that has to be said surely
if you don't want me to say anything, just say you don't care
the case of the Donmeh is instructive
Conversion to Islam
Nehemiah, however, escaped to Constantinople, where he pretended to embrace Islam to get an audience with the kaymakam. He told him of Sabbatai's ambitions. The kaymakam informed the sultan, Mehmed IV. Sabbatai was taken from Abydos to Adrianople,[6] where the sultan's vizier gave him three choices; subject himself to a trial of his divinity in the form of a volley of arrows (in which should the archers miss, his divinity would be proven); be impaled; or he could convert to Islam.[15] On the following day (September 16, 1666) Zevi came before the sultan, cast off his Jewish garb and put a Turkish turban on his head. Thus his conversion to Islam was accomplished. The sultan was much pleased, and rewarded Sabbatai by conferring on him the title (Mahmed) Effendi, and appointing him as his doorkeeper with a generous salary. Sarah and approximately 300 families among Sabbatai's followers also converted to Islam. These new Muslims thereafter were known as dönmeh (converts).[5] The sultan's officials ordered Sabbatai to take an additional wife to demonstrate his conversion. Some days after his conversion he wrote to Smyrna: "God has made me an Ishmaelite; He commanded, and it was done. The ninth day of my regeneration."[6]
these people later became the Young Turks
they are responsible for the Armenian Genocide
and general marxism/jewishness creeping into the dialectic of modern Turkey
so in this case, threat of death or punishment resulted in outward adherence, but inside they maintained their traditions
that's a cool stick, do I get one
Yeah you can get them in Saudi Arabia if you wanna go get one
I've been to Saudi Arabia, didn't encounter any
other sticks yes
not as nice
are the badges shopped too?
Yes haha
And his nose lol
Hitler became a foolish megalomaniac
he could have had it so good
I agree his last year wasn't very good
He tried too hard to take Moscow
it was more than that I think, the whole expansive idea in the first place was bad