Message from @Parasite

Discord ID: 343562311514062848

2017-08-06 01:05:34 UTC  

ignore my last one

2017-08-06 01:05:59 UTC  

I'm listening to wrath of code

2017-08-06 01:06:18 UTC  

I guess I'll listen too

2017-08-06 01:06:54 UTC  

ill come back to the later half of that Humanity album

2017-08-06 01:07:01 UTC  

first 10 mins were cool

2017-08-06 01:07:48 UTC  

ever play Snowboard kids?

2017-08-06 01:08:07 UTC  

N64 game only i believe

2017-08-06 01:08:20 UTC  

had a decent soundtrack

2017-08-06 01:08:30 UTC  


2017-08-06 01:08:34 UTC  

I haven't

2017-08-06 01:09:01 UTC  

ah okay, it may seem lame to you to hear it now then. I think Nostalgia plays a big factor in VG music

2017-08-06 01:09:49 UTC  

being impressionable at a young age and looking for something to get lost in

2017-08-06 01:11:04 UTC  


2017-08-06 01:11:20 UTC

2017-08-06 01:11:49 UTC  

Terminus really pushing the pop music

2017-08-06 01:11:53 UTC  

I don't like this til now

2017-08-06 01:12:01 UTC  

only 2 mins though

2017-08-06 01:12:40 UTC  

this is some gimmicky shit

2017-08-06 01:12:49 UTC  

gettin crunk on me now

2017-08-06 01:13:49 UTC  

channeling his inner Skrillex

2017-08-06 01:13:58 UTC  

This music gets grating

2017-08-06 01:14:20 UTC  

its like power metal

2017-08-06 01:14:20 UTC  

but i would gladly except this over modern rock/pop and pop electro shit

2017-08-06 01:14:28 UTC  

what kind of power metal

2017-08-06 01:14:34 UTC  

modern, annoying

2017-08-06 01:14:39 UTC  

you dissin Helloween bro?

2017-08-06 01:14:43 UTC  


2017-08-06 01:14:50 UTC  

nor Adramelch

2017-08-06 01:14:54 UTC  

or Lost Horizon

2017-08-06 01:15:07 UTC  

So you like Keeper pt 1 right

2017-08-06 01:15:11 UTC  

maybe Sonata Arctica

2017-08-06 01:15:21 UTC  

I haven't listened to it that much

2017-08-06 01:15:25 UTC  


2017-08-06 01:15:26 UTC  

I ignored it initially

2017-08-06 01:15:26 UTC  

Yeah Sonata, DF, later Blind GUardian

2017-08-06 01:15:28 UTC  


2017-08-06 01:15:29 UTC  

I like early Sonata a lot

2017-08-06 01:15:35 UTC  

I like a track or two

2017-08-06 01:15:37 UTC  

parts of tracks

2017-08-06 01:15:39 UTC  

Sonata Articuno

2017-08-06 01:15:58 UTC  

that cracker can sing although his technique is goofy