Message from @TendieLord

Discord ID: 344239330262384641

2017-08-07 21:25:37 UTC  

this one is really good I thought

2017-08-07 21:25:50 UTC  

its written in an aphoristic style so you can read it in short chunks

2017-08-07 21:25:58 UTC  

and makes it quotable as well

2017-08-07 21:26:52 UTC  

Political correctness obviously dominates its core territory of politics, public administration (the civil service), law, education and (especially!) the mass media. But PC also substantially shapes everything else: foreign policy, the military, policing, the economy, health services, and personal life: the mating game, friendships and even family life.
Therefore political correctness is objectively totalitarian.
Just as with the cruder totalitarianism of the mid-twentieth century, PC has created a population that lives in fear: fear of being denounced and losing everything – fear of committing (or indeed merely being accused-of) a thought crime or uttering a hate fact for which there is no defence; fear of the sanctions which range from social ostracism, through loss of job, financial penalties, up to directed mob violence and imprisonment.
Consequently the mass of people, especially those of status - with power and influence – have learned and internalized the constraints of political correctness, so that it is now something inside us, as well as pressing upon us. The lies, shabbiness and wickedness of PC now permeate our very thought processes.

2017-08-07 21:29:52 UTC  


2017-08-07 21:29:54 UTC  

Even as such a reactionary speaks, or is read, or watched – as he invades PC discourse - the politically correct can feel their life draining away, can sense the world receding, can perceive the delusional world crumbling, the void yawning.

Hence the viciousness, the panicked attack using anything to hand which might work: ad hominem inventions (immediately believed as facts), fantasied motivations, lies of any and every kind and even violence (at second hand – regretted, maybe, but not condemned).

For the PC it is vitally necessary to control discourse, to exclude all hostile communications if possible, immediately to stop them if they break through. There can be no delay – effective dissent must be shouted-down, mocked, vilified, shut-up; the politically correct must switch-off, turn-away, gabble and gossip to drown or silence the hostile discourse; instruct, direct and unleash the mob - then begin again to rebuild the thought prison of PC discourse by their own words, in their own image.

2017-08-07 21:30:12 UTC  

hang on, gotta make a call

2017-08-07 21:30:18 UTC

2017-08-07 21:35:40 UTC  

I strongly urge everyone to read the Thought Prison link when they have time to

2017-08-07 21:39:18 UTC  

I saved it

2017-08-07 21:40:01 UTC  

unfortunately for my current mood, my phone call created another two hours of billables today lol

2017-08-07 21:40:55 UTC  

I have read it some time ago

2017-08-07 21:45:20 UTC  

have you really?

2017-08-07 21:51:38 UTC  


2017-08-07 21:52:08 UTC  

cool, how did you come across it?

2017-08-07 21:52:19 UTC  

I am just curious, because I feel he is underappreciated

2017-08-07 21:57:28 UTC  

pm <:source:286646690726019072>
I think political correctness is a kind of cognitive dissonance

2017-08-07 22:02:55 UTC  

Women are capable of tremendous cognitive dissonance because they do not rationalize their actions and behaviors

2017-08-07 22:03:18 UTC  

I can't tell you how many times I've heard a woman say one thing and seen her do the complete opposite

2017-08-07 22:03:56 UTC  

They say and do what makes them feel good, regardless of its rational consistency

2017-08-07 22:04:11 UTC  

In that way, they are slaves to instinct

2017-08-07 22:05:07 UTC  

Political correctness is the crowdsourced maintenance of egalitarian society

2017-08-07 22:05:36 UTC  

and it's like a shelter for truth

2017-08-07 22:05:41 UTC  

a conflict shelter

2017-08-07 22:06:21 UTC  

i was talking to a leftist girl once
when i told her what i thought, she told "you can't say that"

2017-08-07 22:06:31 UTC  

I don't know if shelter is the right word for it

2017-08-07 22:06:35 UTC  

Maybe it is

2017-08-07 22:07:16 UTC  

it can be compared to a countermeasure

2017-08-07 22:07:24 UTC  

in aeronotic

2017-08-07 22:07:26 UTC  


2017-08-07 22:07:49 UTC  

to what extent do you feel my personal pathology comes from unwillingness to submit to authority

2017-08-07 22:08:33 UTC  

open up that boipuss

2017-08-07 22:10:22 UTC  

some degree of social pressure to conform seems reasoanble

2017-08-07 22:10:39 UTC  

you say things that have sense (ex : diversity is shitty, and you say why)
you don't generate argumentations, but conflict because you say things that "you can't say" and you're a racist nazi bad little hitler

2017-08-07 22:11:37 UTC  

Women are agreeable and don't like conflict

2017-08-07 22:11:47 UTC  

They don't like some people claiming superiority over others

2017-08-07 22:12:14 UTC  

Same reason they can't pick a favorite child

2017-08-07 22:12:28 UTC  

they want good for everyone

2017-08-07 22:12:31 UTC  

Leftism is just a great big mother taking care of her babies.

2017-08-07 22:12:37 UTC  


2017-08-07 22:12:41 UTC  

They want everyone to be equal.