Message from @fallot

Discord ID: 348498711472766976

2017-08-19 16:07:43 UTC  

okay, sure

2017-08-19 16:07:50 UTC  

building a wall between america and mexico

2017-08-19 16:07:50 UTC  

is hate

2017-08-19 16:07:55 UTC  

because of taking action?

2017-08-19 16:07:57 UTC  

(no it isnt hate)

2017-08-19 16:08:09 UTC  

I mean, people describe such things with these slogans

2017-08-19 16:08:09 UTC  

okay, so this is the point where you better assign two distinct labels so I know what you mean

2017-08-19 16:08:13 UTC  

"X is hate"

2017-08-19 16:08:21 UTC  

"global warming is hate"

2017-08-19 16:08:29 UTC  

but none of these things are hate

2017-08-19 16:08:31 UTC  

hate is what you said it is

2017-08-19 16:08:36 UTC  

which I entirely agree with

2017-08-19 16:08:39 UTC  

and that thing which you said it is

2017-08-19 16:08:41 UTC  

its a bad thing

2017-08-19 16:08:48 UTC  

okay, so are you saying building a wall is or isn't hate?

2017-08-19 16:08:53 UTC  


2017-08-19 16:09:11 UTC  

so hate = feeling the emotion, taking action against is something different though society conflates?

2017-08-19 16:09:11 UTC  

hate is hate, building a wall is building a wall

2017-08-19 16:09:19 UTC  

love is love, building a wall is building a wall

2017-08-19 16:09:21 UTC  

america building a wall, while it can be hateful, is also a pragmatic thing to try to do, in the face of mexico's policy of reconquista

2017-08-19 16:09:27 UTC  

hate is an emotion, so "to hate" is also

2017-08-19 16:09:30 UTC  

feeling that emotion

2017-08-19 16:10:09 UTC  

yeah, action is action

2017-08-19 16:10:13 UTC  

your motivations should be good

2017-08-19 16:10:16 UTC  

I don't see anything wrong with feeling the subjective emotion of hatred, nor do I think it's all that much in our control, although I concede that chasing down confirmation bias information to amplify it is probably not good, though I do not see that as having moral weight

2017-08-19 16:10:17 UTC  

and then you do the necessary actions

2017-08-19 16:10:19 UTC  

hate, unnecessary

2017-08-19 16:10:24 UTC  

sometimes, helpful

2017-08-19 16:10:27 UTC  

but never primary

2017-08-19 16:10:29 UTC  

never to be indulged

2017-08-19 16:10:34 UTC  

a bad thing overall, destructive, damaging

2017-08-19 16:10:49 UTC  

good intention, right action, accept inevitability

2017-08-19 16:10:54 UTC  

really simple stuff

2017-08-19 16:11:13 UTC  

like, I hate other races, I feel the primary feeling, but I do not run around looking for news articles that confirm the violence or evil of niggers

2017-08-19 16:11:22 UTC  

do you in fact hate other races?

2017-08-19 16:11:31 UTC  

or do you make yourself feel something towards the idea of other races

2017-08-19 16:11:35 UTC  

to which you have attached other associations

2017-08-19 16:11:38 UTC  

which is kinda funny really, because my seething hatred is entirely primary, it's not indulged in with stuff to amplify it

2017-08-19 16:11:38 UTC  

various moral ones

2017-08-19 16:11:42 UTC  

on various moral axes

2017-08-19 16:11:45 UTC  

harm, disgust/purity