Message from @fallot

Discord ID: 348499428690231297

2017-08-19 16:10:17 UTC  

and then you do the necessary actions

2017-08-19 16:10:19 UTC  

hate, unnecessary

2017-08-19 16:10:24 UTC  

sometimes, helpful

2017-08-19 16:10:27 UTC  

but never primary

2017-08-19 16:10:29 UTC  

never to be indulged

2017-08-19 16:10:34 UTC  

a bad thing overall, destructive, damaging

2017-08-19 16:10:49 UTC  

good intention, right action, accept inevitability

2017-08-19 16:10:54 UTC  

really simple stuff

2017-08-19 16:11:13 UTC  

like, I hate other races, I feel the primary feeling, but I do not run around looking for news articles that confirm the violence or evil of niggers

2017-08-19 16:11:22 UTC  

do you in fact hate other races?

2017-08-19 16:11:31 UTC  

or do you make yourself feel something towards the idea of other races

2017-08-19 16:11:35 UTC  

to which you have attached other associations

2017-08-19 16:11:38 UTC  

which is kinda funny really, because my seething hatred is entirely primary, it's not indulged in with stuff to amplify it

2017-08-19 16:11:38 UTC  

various moral ones

2017-08-19 16:11:42 UTC  

on various moral axes

2017-08-19 16:11:45 UTC  

harm, disgust/purity

2017-08-19 16:11:46 UTC  


2017-08-19 16:12:05 UTC  

if your seething hatred is primary, you are not a normal person

2017-08-19 16:12:05 UTC  

well fallot, my feeling towards races is pretty simple, there are races I would respect but I acknowledge we are not all on the same team and are thus eternal enemies

2017-08-19 16:12:11 UTC  

I am not a normal person, no

2017-08-19 16:12:18 UTC  

as in, not a psychologically healthy person

2017-08-19 16:12:33 UTC  


2017-08-19 16:12:35 UTC  

however if I take my own skin out of the game and just make a sideline assessment, there is a rough correlation of badness and darkness

2017-08-19 16:12:53 UTC  

@rebekka888 don't make it worse for yourself

2017-08-19 16:12:55 UTC  

niggers, abos and mexicans, for example, are horrible people, and so are dark arabs

2017-08-19 16:12:56 UTC  

just stay at the fringes

2017-08-19 16:13:00 UTC  

and low indians

2017-08-19 16:13:01 UTC  

there you will be unmolested

2017-08-19 16:13:19 UTC  

and low asians too generally, although filipinos and thais etc can be decent to deal with they are really dumb and disorganized

2017-08-19 16:13:26 UTC  

why should I be bothered that anyone is horrible though

2017-08-19 16:13:40 UTC  

so they're horrible

2017-08-19 16:13:42 UTC  

high asians, high middle easterners, high indians and eurasians have all shown potential to me and been decent to deal with

2017-08-19 16:13:45 UTC  

I'm concerned with what concerns me

2017-08-19 16:14:02 UTC  

I'm going to promote what I think is good

2017-08-19 16:14:06 UTC  

and reject what I think is bad

2017-08-19 16:14:18 UTC  

hate doesn't enter the picture except as side effect

2017-08-19 16:14:31 UTC  

if there's anything I hate, its people being dishonest with themselves

2017-08-19 16:14:36 UTC  

well, hold on

2017-08-19 16:14:37 UTC  

but even that, its fleeting annoyance

2017-08-19 16:14:49 UTC  

so the question is, "why do I hate dark, stupid, violent people living far away from me?"

2017-08-19 16:15:01 UTC  

i.e. they are outside my experience, I cannot even empirically be sure they exist, so why feel anything?