Message from @Deleted User 57835c2c
Discord ID: 348552415114559489
towers surrounded by favelas full of dalits
it's already reality in brazil
and america is quickly moving towards being brazil or worse
I am so sorely tempted to post that IQ thing on my real FB
you should
post reactions
do you have data showing high IQ = racism?
I'm afraid that afaik most high iq people are pushed towards institutes of higher indoctrination
mental parasite takes hold
I'm lucky to have seen niggers in the town where my high school was. all the younger ones violent criminals and all the older ones deadbeat drug dealers and users
it's difficult to see the real world from a university campus
but there were 2 niggers in my class of like 300 and they were always late and stopped coming after a month or two
I think I turned out this way because I grew up in a barrio
my ideas about POCs were formed by the POCs, not by news articles and school lessons about POCs
I guess I should have been tipped off by my school for ~~~gifted~~~ children not having any niggers in the entire student body and like a handful of turks
also I know for a fact that all POCs are here on bad faith
nigs are one thing, but all other POCs are here because they want to loot our economy
same here
if america develops favelas, i think that it would be had in the form of the Mega block, as seen in judge dredd media
I am going to research products that are made primarily in sweatshops and preferentially sell them
sell even at a loss if necessary
goal is to hurt POCs more than to make money
or, if nothing else, the re rise of the hooverville slums, where men fight to the death for bread and bologna
I should do the same with polluting products
I want to produce televised battle royales in somalia
stuff they have to rape their environment and get cancer in order to produce
displace the population in a shit village
hide guns and melee weapons around it
Somalia? You might have some luck with that @Sen .
drop a bunch of nigs from the sky, winner gets a watermelon
Somalia is AnCap heaven.
whoever wins gets food
they get 50 lb fried chicken
you don't even have to tell them that it's a battle royale, just put it in a heavy metal container with a combo lock and enough air holes that they can smell it
I love the idea behind ancapitalism but not in our highly enriched society
I bet everyone would love to watch that
drop a bunch of baseball bats
need to poison the chicken too so even the winners die