Message from @Death Strike's Bat

Discord ID: 350062887311769630

2017-08-23 23:41:51 UTC  

in the east

2017-08-23 23:41:53 UTC  

if he wasn't retarded

2017-08-23 23:42:01 UTC  

it's hard when another army is wiping out hte rest of your guys

2017-08-23 23:42:03 UTC  

form the other side

2017-08-23 23:42:03 UTC  

same with the lend lease

2017-08-23 23:42:16 UTC  

i think the soviet army would have stopped by Poland and that's all.

2017-08-23 23:42:21 UTC  


2017-08-23 23:42:23 UTC  

they didn't had enough tanks and logistics

2017-08-23 23:42:28 UTC  

how do you stop them if you're hitler?

2017-08-23 23:42:40 UTC  

you have to stop the #1 and #2 armies in the world

2017-08-23 23:42:46 UTC  

and it's 1943-44

2017-08-23 23:42:56 UTC  

defensive, i mean the lend lease send to the soviets years of non-ferritic production

2017-08-23 23:43:35 UTC  

hitler didn't have to lose all these massive holocaust battles like stalingrad and kursk and the neva-donne offensive (?) and normandy and the bulge

2017-08-23 23:43:37 UTC  

and food

2017-08-23 23:43:45 UTC  

but even then, how the hell do you stop them?

2017-08-23 23:44:10 UTC  

the best goal for hitler is actually just live long enough

2017-08-23 23:44:14 UTC  

until you get shot

2017-08-23 23:44:17 UTC  

by your own men

2017-08-23 23:44:41 UTC  

that would've happened in japan had the us army landed

2017-08-23 23:44:56 UTC  

totally ineffctive japanese imperial army barely controleed the japanese countryside

2017-08-23 23:45:12 UTC  

colonels and lower generals would've just marched in and gunned them down

2017-08-23 23:45:17 UTC  

one example A large number of railway rails were required for providing the operation
of the country's railways, for laying new ones to the front and for restoring the
destroyed ones.
During the war, 622 thousand tons of rails were delivered under Lend-
Lease. This represents about 56.5% of the total domestic production of rails
from mid-1941 to the end of 1945. If excluding narrow gauge rails that were
not supplied under lend-lease, then the American supplies made 83.3% of the
total production of the Soviet broad gauge rails.

2017-08-23 23:45:31 UTC  


2017-08-23 23:45:46 UTC  

but even without that, hitler winning is impossible

2017-08-23 23:45:48 UTC  

he has no goal

2017-08-23 23:45:51 UTC  

his goal is insnae

2017-08-23 23:46:05 UTC  

The war though was inevitable in some cases

2017-08-23 23:46:06 UTC  

conquer euopean russia for lebemsraum is retarded

2017-08-23 23:46:13 UTC  

Natsoc allied with Soviets?

2017-08-23 23:46:27 UTC  

the only reason to ally with the soviets is to conquer the soviets

2017-08-23 23:46:42 UTC  

hitler's goal was lebemsraum

2017-08-23 23:47:01 UTC  

if you don't understand that his goal is not to beat the western powers but to conquer the east, then you can't understand ww2

2017-08-23 23:47:29 UTC  

his plan was to start another great war to get lebemsraum and then breed the master race to take over the owrld

2017-08-23 23:47:58 UTC  

that was the plan all along from his wing of the nsdap

2017-08-23 23:48:50 UTC  

japan wanted to become thelight of asia and a new colonial power to enlighten the lesser, childlike asians

2017-08-23 23:48:55 UTC  

replacing the white man

2017-08-23 23:49:02 UTC  

and their plans were just as insane

2017-08-23 23:50:00 UTC  

hitler basically had the same plan in ww2 as saruman did in lotr: breed master race. try to take oever bigger countries

2017-08-23 23:50:28 UTC  

are you spergs STILL talking about politics?

2017-08-23 23:50:42 UTC  

yes D: