Message from @Deleted User 57835c2c

Discord ID: 376905357248692225

2017-11-06 01:07:17 UTC  

In desecration

2017-11-06 01:14:29 UTC  
2017-11-06 01:14:59 UTC  

no the picture is not of Me

2017-11-06 01:20:20 UTC  

democracy in america doesn't work, specifically because the education system in america, has been hollowed out and intentionally ruined.

2017-11-06 01:20:48 UTC  

democracy ~~in america~~ doesn't work

2017-11-06 01:21:19 UTC  

state education was a mistake

2017-11-06 01:21:45 UTC  

no, non-plato-ist prussian factory style mass education was a mistake

2017-11-06 01:22:30 UTC  


2017-11-06 01:22:35 UTC  

stepping away from classical trivium and quadrivium, and apprenticeships and internships, can only lead to decline

2017-11-06 01:22:38 UTC  
2017-11-06 01:23:33 UTC  

Dirty Dan did you ever explain the dysgenics thing

2017-11-06 01:24:58 UTC  

Which one was that?

2017-11-06 01:25:06 UTC  

the polygamy thing

2017-11-06 01:26:00 UTC  

>Monogamy is eugenic because it establishes minimum requirements for marriage and reproduction. In English, the word “husband” literally means “home owner.” Traditionally, a man couldn’t marry until he had his own home. Under monogamy, if some men never satisfy the preconditions for marriage, then some women, also, can never marry, because a marriage is defined as one woman and one man. This suppresses the reproduction of underclasses, both male and female. In western European societies, a high rate of non marriage was historically the norm, accounting for 10% to 20% of adults.

2017-11-06 01:26:23 UTC  

```how is polygamy dysgenic
and most importantly, how did you draw that conclusion?
like we can pretty easily say marxism is dysgenic or catholicism is dysgenic based on looking at history, we have some actual evidence
but how can you drop the hammer on polygamy exactly, and based on what data?
I guess for starters, what groups did you compare?

you could speculate that it would be eugenic as men below a cutoff couldn't breed while those above a cutoff could breed explosively

which would be both positive and negative eugenics at the same time, assuming the sexual selection worked in a beneficial direction

I could be wrong and it could be the world's worst possible idea, but I can't say either way without data
ultimately everything we come up with is reasoning from assumptions
the only way to get around that is to look for historical evidence
or any current real world evidence
I'm sure somebody would love to compare some savage muslim retards or some black african subhumans practicing polygamy and compare them with white christians practicing monogamy, and say "see? it's dysgenic!"
although that would be dishonest or at the very least sloppy because how do we know the polygamy caused them being dysgenic and not the niggerism?
so you'd have to find some actual extant white polygamists for an ideal comparison```

2017-11-06 01:26:28 UTC  

In a monogamous society, boys also know their fathers.

2017-11-06 01:27:02 UTC  

Here, you can read that article I posted.

2017-11-06 01:27:06 UTC  

polygamy is marriage to multiple women, not nigger rutting then abandoning the pregnant woman

2017-11-06 01:27:11 UTC  

that is polyamory

2017-11-06 01:27:19 UTC  

or just being a damned nigger ape

2017-11-06 01:28:02 UTC  

When you can marry as many women as you want, what incentivizes you to choose the best mate?

2017-11-06 01:28:29 UTC  

your mind, not being able to afford infinite wives

2017-11-06 01:28:45 UTC  

also the women are highly incentivized to choose a good mate as now it becomes competitive for them

2017-11-06 01:29:05 UTC  

they are not guaranteed sole ownership over their man, so they must continue to earn attention and choose a man wisely

2017-11-06 01:29:19 UTC  

Sole ownership is why the nuclear family works.

2017-11-06 01:29:21 UTC  

no more getting married then hitting the Ben & Jerry's and becoming a feminist with short hair

2017-11-06 01:29:23 UTC  

This is r-selected nonsense.

2017-11-06 01:29:37 UTC  

sole ownership exists in polygamy, but only for the man

2017-11-06 01:30:25 UTC  

It needs to exist for both. A man ought to choose the best wife, not get as many as he can.

2017-11-06 01:30:33 UTC  


2017-11-06 01:31:03 UTC  

Polygamy also favors older men.

2017-11-06 01:31:11 UTC  

Older men are more likely to have more mutations in their children.

2017-11-06 01:31:41 UTC  

When the rich get all the prime women, most people have to fuck the people who are just closeby.

2017-11-06 01:31:50 UTC  

Look at the Islamic world and its high coefficient of inbreeding.

2017-11-06 01:32:29 UTC  

true, but again as I mentioned above that is a poor comparison, they are a different and worse race. Saying "see? this inferior race does it so it must be bad" doesn't tell us whether they are bad because they do polygamy or bad because they are inferior, and also incidentally practice polygamy

2017-11-06 01:33:42 UTC  

your farticle specifies monogamy is eugenic because it has entry requirements, but that is a condition of marriage, not of monogamous marriage

2017-11-06 01:33:50 UTC  

how is it not true of polygamous marriage, if not even more true?

2017-11-06 01:34:18 UTC  

Polygamy will lead to the best women being hogged by the wealthiest man.

2017-11-06 01:35:37 UTC  


2017-11-06 01:37:51 UTC  

best women, richest men