Message from @TheGreatShiniGami

Discord ID: 403097545217409024

2018-01-17 08:02:54 UTC  

And any person fighting back, if they aren't like me, will immediately react.

2018-01-17 08:02:58 UTC  

It's not something you can control.

2018-01-17 08:03:00 UTC  

i would only need to find someone to pump you full of real antipsychotic meds

2018-01-17 08:03:08 UTC  

Yeah, good luck with that.

2018-01-17 08:03:14 UTC  

Nobody would ever give enough of a shit.

2018-01-17 08:03:19 UTC  

And that would probably just make it worse.

2018-01-17 08:03:24 UTC  

Nothing good ever happens to me, no matter what.

2018-01-17 08:03:25 UTC  

keep telling yourself that

2018-01-17 08:03:30 UTC  

I can't do anything else.

2018-01-17 08:03:33 UTC  

The Voices won't let me.

2018-01-17 08:03:38 UTC  

If I try to do anything else, it gets worse.

2018-01-17 08:03:43 UTC  

Do you get it yet?

2018-01-17 08:03:48 UTC  

I get punished for even trying to fix it.

2018-01-17 08:04:38 UTC  

And again: Nobody would ever give enough of a shit.

2018-01-17 08:04:39 UTC  


2018-01-17 08:05:01 UTC  

Who are you going to find who would even be able to purchase anti-psych meds without the cops getting involved?

2018-01-17 08:05:15 UTC  


2018-01-17 08:05:21 UTC  

All meds are made by Jews.

2018-01-17 08:05:27 UTC  

All shrinks are Jews, Marxists or Marxist Jews.

2018-01-17 08:05:38 UTC  

They all hate white men.

2018-01-17 08:05:43 UTC  

They all hate conservatives of all stripes.

2018-01-17 08:05:47 UTC  

They all hate southerners.

2018-01-17 08:05:54 UTC  

They all misprescribe and misdiagnose on purpose.

2018-01-17 08:06:13 UTC  

I don't think there even are any legit anti-psych meds. It's all just slow acting poison that doesn't help or kill you fast enough.

2018-01-17 08:06:16 UTC  

**Do you get it yet?**

2018-01-17 08:11:49 UTC  

Lots of people conflate technology level with social theory

2018-01-17 08:11:55 UTC  

Common issue

2018-01-17 08:12:13 UTC  

Meh. It's inevitably always going to suck.

2018-01-17 08:12:18 UTC  

That's the nature of the cosmos.

2018-01-17 08:12:25 UTC  

Everything Must Suck, Always

2018-01-17 08:21:31 UTC  

@🤡Chaim Clownworldberg🌍 Go UUUUGGGGGGHGHHHH at me again.

2018-01-17 08:21:40 UTC  

I know you're here kikel-likel.

2018-01-17 08:26:14 UTC  

@TheGreatShiniGami proof that good things exist :

2018-01-17 08:26:30 UTC  

TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
Well, what else is there?
Thus it comes full circle. You're not pro-white. You're just pro-you.
Why are there no pro-whites in psychiatry?
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
holy shit you type fast
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
Why are all (((doctors))) Marxists?
Yeah, and?
That isn't an uncommon skill.
It's not hard.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
because the concept of money doesn't go hand in hand with protecting your tribe
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
You're not pro-white. You're just pro-you.
At least, the majority of the movement isn't pro-white.
There are shitloads of our people with conditions like mine. Some lesser, some greater.
But, none of them get decent care because the only doctors are Jews or owned by Jews.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
poorer counties tend to be more nationalist
richer countries tend to have larger suicide rates
hmmm really makes you think
wonder if there's a tribe related to finance and banking
and also related to mental illness kek
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
I know that part already.
Why aren't any of those who call themselves "our people" doing anything about it.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
well I can't do
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
I know that.
It's a mostly rhetorical question.
I already know the answer.
It's because they don't care.
They want the easy fix. They want the weebshit they can tell to lift and eat right.

2018-01-17 08:26:36 UTC  

@Josh Nope. It isn't.

2018-01-17 08:26:53 UTC  

And I can't watch youtube at work, the filter won't let it through. sum it up in text format for me.

2018-01-17 08:27:23 UTC  

✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
I'm right and you know it.
What else is there?
Because nobody would ever pay me to do this.
Again: What else is there?
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
you either crumble inwards of you struggle with your tribe to further civilization
that's how tribes expand and conquer
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
There is nothing else.
No tribe should have ever existed. This entire thing is pointless.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
well I'm sorry to say it but most can't relate to your well-being
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
And of course I would crumble. I've never been worth a damn.
I know that.
I've known that the entire time. It's one of the things that knifes me so bad about the whole thing.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
it's not pointless
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
Yeah, it is.
If it's not permanent, it's pointless.
It will just be undone after its' done.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
it's about entropy; lifeforms exist in order to prevent absolute entropy
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
That's the problem.
It should be absolute entropy.
If there was no life, there would be no problems.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
What else is there?
You can post that image all you want. It's not going to do what you want it to do.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
>wanting to dimensionally cuck yourself
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
I'm right and you know it.
What else is there?
It should all be destroyed.
Every last bit of it.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
well I don't know, the new NASA EM drive is exciting

2018-01-17 08:27:54 UTC  

TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
If it didn't exist, it wouldn't be a problem.
No it isn't.
That will never get to us here on the low end.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
that's just, like, your opinion, man
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
It's pretty demonstrable fact now.
The EM drive will never be given to any but the (((Elites))).
They hate us.
Even white rich twits hate us.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
imagine you simulate a universe in a quantum computer
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
That's why Richard Spencer.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
and the simulated life gets conscious of itself
and conscious of the computer
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
I pull the plug on the computer and destroy it.
That's my answer.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
wouldn't that be exciting to watch?
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
No, it wouldn't. It would be agonizing.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
welp, looks like we don't agree
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
Of course you don't. Nobody has ever agreed with me.
It's Fate.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
not even you agree with yourself
(schizophrenia joke)
oosh, sorry
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
Don't be.
It's not like I don't deserve it.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
nobody deserves it
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
Yeah. They do
We all do.
Everyone does. Every life deserves death and worse.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
sorry I can't keep this discussion it's way edgier than I've ever edged

2018-01-17 08:28:25 UTC  

TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
I've been this edgy the entire time, where have you been?
Are you going to block me?
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
I thought you were kidding
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
no I just ask you to stop
I don't know people like you
didn't expect, I guess
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
Of course you don't.
Most people don't.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
But, I can't really stop. This is all I am. Nothing else remains.
My entire world is destroyed. Every day.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
misery loves company... I thought that trying to help people who suffer just drags you with it
I don't know what could fix it but hiding it
well, that's why isolation is probably for the best, if you can't help it...
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
That's impossible.
Mexican Standoff. Guilt Trip. Family burden.
There is no way to hide it.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
isn't there anything you can do good
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
No. I'm not good at anything.
I've never been good at anything. I told you. My entire life is failure. Every effort I make turns to failure.
Go ugggghhhh again.

2018-01-17 08:28:25 UTC  

✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
that's what you want others to believe
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
Because that's the only reaction.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
to give you an excuse to end it
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
No, it's what I believe. Other people spew patronizing bullshit at me.
It's all there is.
If I was good at something, I'd still enjoy things. If I were good at anything, I'd be worth a damn and have something other than this.
It doesn't matter what other's believe.
Because they refuse to see what is.
I'm not good at anything. I've never been good at anything. I cannot be good at anything. Fate itself will act against me and ruin ever effort to ever improve.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
if it doesn't matter what others believe, why do you talk to me?
TheGreatShiniGami - 01/03/2017
The evidence of the past is enough to back that up.
Because I'm killing time until Mother Dearest dies. And very few people respond.
✡Chaim O'Goldberg✡ - 01/03/2017
failing to push through your struggle is not evidence that you have no skills