Message from @Josh

Discord ID: 403453913912705025

2018-01-18 07:36:38 UTC  

So it's either obey the white man, or suffer complete and total economic collapse while they beg gooks and sand rats to immigrate faster

2018-01-18 07:36:59 UTC  

This is a classic "If only everyone stood up, then it would work"

2018-01-18 07:37:46 UTC  

Why wouldn't it? How quickly can they flood America with actually capable gooks and sand people to get fhe economy running again?

2018-01-18 07:37:48 UTC  

This is a classic "If only everyone stood up, then it would work"

2018-01-18 07:37:48 UTC  

everyone won't stand up

2018-01-18 07:37:49 UTC  

Any plan that relies on everyone contributing will fail

2018-01-18 07:37:49 UTC  

A plan that relies on a few exceptional individuals excelling has a chance

2018-01-18 07:38:13 UTC  

It won't work because not enough whites will do it

2018-01-18 07:38:21 UTC  

Of course not

2018-01-18 07:38:23 UTC  

They'd rather continue getting paid

2018-01-18 07:38:40 UTC  

American whites won't do anything, unless it involves dying for Israel

2018-01-18 07:38:41 UTC  

The ones who do the jobs muds can't do, are the ones who get to live away from the muds

2018-01-18 07:38:51 UTC  

so they have less incentive to do this, too

2018-01-18 07:39:13 UTC  

That will change with time

2018-01-18 07:39:35 UTC  

Spics are literally murdering whites and laughing about it in court

2018-01-18 07:39:51 UTC  

It's always the poor whites who suffer from immigration first

2018-01-18 07:39:58 UTC  

which is why they vote against it

2018-01-18 07:40:11 UTC  

And US police are too fat to protect the comfortable whites, so the comfortable eventually think "hmm..."

2018-01-18 07:40:38 UTC  

It's always only a matter of time before the roaming pack of niggers is in *your* neighborhood in this country

2018-01-18 07:41:02 UTC  

They have infested every city

2018-01-18 07:41:48 UTC  

I imagine it's different from your perspective, because the Swedish military/police is probably mostly healthy white men

2018-01-18 07:42:07 UTC  

Here it's a bunch of niggers, women, and McDonald's Patriots

2018-01-18 07:42:15 UTC  

I like the police here

2018-01-18 07:42:23 UTC  

The security police stopped like, four terrorist attacks before one finally worked

2018-01-18 07:42:40 UTC  

The police here just get shot

2018-01-18 07:42:57 UTC  

Because ZOG won't buy them armor, and every fucking retard has a gun

2018-01-18 07:43:13 UTC  

Oh, I don't like how they don't treat it like the war it is

2018-01-18 07:43:22 UTC  

They should treat no go zones as enemy territory to be reconquered

2018-01-18 07:43:30 UTC  

But they are subservient to the government

2018-01-18 07:43:32 UTC  

they can't do what they want to

2018-01-18 07:43:41 UTC  

That's another thing you're not considering about America. Any white cosmopolitan could be shot on his way to work

2018-01-18 07:43:53 UTC  

Because there are literally millions and millions of niggers with guns

2018-01-18 07:43:58 UTC  

My wife is from the U.S, so I kind of know how it is

2018-01-18 07:45:07 UTC  

I used to think blacks were normal until I was redpilled by someone with experience

2018-01-18 07:45:21 UTC  

She was smart enough to leave to Sweden, proof that people do figure it out over time

2018-01-18 07:45:33 UTC  

She doesn't want to stay here because of the Mohammedans

2018-01-18 07:45:53 UTC  

The whites who are too stupid to figure it out are not valuable to me anyway

2018-01-18 07:45:58 UTC  

Natural selection

2018-01-18 07:46:15 UTC  

If the European races survive this event, it'll have been for the better

2018-01-18 07:46:47 UTC  

I'd say it's unfortunate

2018-01-18 07:46:51 UTC  

But not critical