Message from @Chromogenic

Discord ID: 371605496253382657

2017-10-21 14:51:07 UTC  

not educational as the video teaches you anything, but educational at looking at misinformation and propaganda tactics used against the right wing

2017-10-21 22:14:31 UTC  

Proof that the IQ gap is in fact racial

Blacks preforming poorer in schools due to their lower IQ

IQ once again showing that blacks are intellectually inferior with whites and Asians leading the group.

Study showing racial differences

Once again displaying IQ gap

Environment has little to none to do with the IQ gap in America.

Certain genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Debunking wealth is the driving factor

This trend is apparent from a young age

2017-10-21 23:15:22 UTC  

^^^^^^^ Hmmm <:Thonk:362811285869559808>

2017-10-21 23:17:06 UTC

2017-10-21 23:17:14 UTC

2017-10-21 23:17:23 UTC

2017-10-21 23:17:30 UTC

2017-10-21 23:17:38 UTC  

We have conducted a meta-analysis of virtually all twin studies published
in the past 50 years, on a wide range of traits and reporting
on more than 14 million twin pairs across 39 different countries.
Our results provide compelling evidence that all human traits are
heritable: not one trait had a weighted heritability estimate of zero.
The relative influences of genes and environment are not randomly
distributed across all traits but cluster in functional domains. In
general, we showed that reported estimates of variance components
from model-fitting can underestimate the true trait heritability, when
compared with heritability based on twin correlations. Roughly
two-thirds of traits show a pattern of monozygotic and dizygotic
twin correlations that is consistent with a simple model whereby trait
resemblance is solely due to additive genetic variation. This implies
that, for the majority of complex traits, causal genetic variants can be
detected using a simple additive genetic model.

2017-10-21 23:25:55 UTC  

Proof that the IQ gap is in fact racial

Blacks preforming poorer in schools due to their lower IQ

IQ once again showing that blacks are intellectually inferior with whites and Asians leading the group.

Study showing racial differences

Once again displaying IQ gap

Environment has little to none to do with the IQ gap in America.

Certain genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Debunking wealth is the driving factor

This trend is apparent from a young age

Brain capacity varies by race

Research study on racial differences

A comparison of the two races

Famous study
Lots of stuff

IQ is genetic, race mixing makes us dumber

Additional proof that IQ is genetic

Even more proof that IQ is genetic

2017-10-21 23:36:28 UTC  

@SASAKI The behavioral one is a meta-anaysis, so I wouldn't take it as fact but more of opening the gates to find the answers

2017-10-22 10:27:20 UTC  

Long ago in the dreamtime, there were no fish, so the people lived on animals, roots and berries. They were all quite content. That is except Boodi and Yalima; for they wanted to mary. But the tribe insisted that Yalima marry one of the old men, to look after him. Boodi and Yalima decided to run away, and so they did. Now, to go against the Elders of the tribe is breaking the law, and is punishable by death, so soon the men of the tribe began hunting them.

They ran on and on, although they became very tired, they had to keep running. Eventually, they came to the edge of the land, where the water began and they knew that to survive, they would have to fight.

With the angry tribe descending on them, they quickly gathered wood, and made as many spears as they could . But the tribesman were too many, and soon the spears were all gone. Boodi turned to his beloved Yalima and said, "for us to be together forever, we must go into the water to live." And so they did.

2017-10-22 10:27:34 UTC

2017-10-23 02:28:16 UTC  

<@230900573367435275>_#3788 this will be your last warning keep on reposting those links and im banning you

2017-10-23 22:56:32 UTC an interesting site about propaganda used by the military

2017-10-23 22:57:13 UTC  

and propaganda used by governments from the ancient past to today

2017-10-23 23:02:47 UTC

2017-10-23 23:07:22 UTC  


2017-10-23 23:07:41 UTC  

It is quintessential I assure check it out.

2017-10-23 23:09:28 UTC  

I would tell people in public but some @tnert guy deafened and muted me for lamenting the uncivil conduct carried out by several raucous individual.

2017-10-23 23:19:24 UTC

2017-10-23 23:19:30 UTC  

Muslims were SS soldiers.

2017-10-24 00:17:00 UTC  

Every non-Jewish demographic that the Germans could get their hands on had SS soldiers.

2017-10-25 12:31:41 UTC  

Ten thousand incensed Jews swarmed into New York City's Central Park where the man they hated most planned to speak in the "free forum area." The huge mob was swollen with overwrought people loudly screaming for his blood. They brandished lead pipes and pieces of broken pavement in the best Old Testament traditions of free speech. No one really expected him to show up in the face of such demented numbers, so the frothing Chosen turned the event into an anti-Nazi celebration. They clapped and sang "Havanaglia" and performed round-dances in the street. But at the height of their vengeful hysteria, at the appointed time, a big man standing tall and alone in the very midst of the insane rabble threw off his long, concealing overcoat. As if by black magic, George Lincoln Rockwell appeared in full Storm trooper uniform in the eye of an emotional hurricane, surrounded by enemies too stunned to move. Incredibly, he began to taunt them, deriding them to their camel-faces as cowards and fugitives from lunatic asylums.

2017-10-25 12:31:59 UTC  

He had shown up , he said, at their request, so let's see how tough they really were. No one made a move against the formidable U.S. Navy Commander. He strutted smiling among them, ridiculing their false promises to prevent his New York speech. It was a very personal confrontation between Aryan man and his Jewish opposites, between racial matter and anti-matter. An explosion was inevitable. The Jews Go Nuts... Only by degrees did the Hebes belatedly psych themselves up to sufficient hysteria. In a convulsive, screaming lunge they fell on Commander Rockwell. But he had the psychological advantage of a larger-than life personal courage. In an utterly one-sided battle too incredible for anyone who has not actually witnessed or fought through such a moment, he bashed and throttled his way into the shrieking crowd. The grasping, spitting devils fell on all sides, as the lone hero of the White race cut a path of blood and broken bones across New York City. They never knocked him off his feet and he never tired of splitting enemy jaws. Alarmed and inspired by such Herculean bravery, a squad of policeman crashed into the howling throng swinging night sticks. Kosher casualties mounted rapidly, as the cops obviously relished their sport. They blazed a path of splattering gore to the ever-battling Rockwell, and escorted him over the blubbering bodies of fallen Jews. He emerged with only a few cuts and minor bruises. Even his uniform was in relatively good shape. THIS IS ROCKWELL!

2017-10-25 12:32:12 UTC

2017-10-25 12:32:41 UTC  

Now, the American Nazi Party could be this again, but never with the weaklings who rose up in this man's shadow. So we, we men of honor, valor, duty, courage, we must take up the role of this effort.

2017-10-25 12:33:31 UTC