Message from @PapaStattikk
Discord ID: 368507925318336522
This is what Canadian women look like in 2017
wait shit, anyone have that political compass chart that has the left go fucking crazy to the point of starving for the greater good?
@docwellfish close enough?
I cant tell if thats a girly man or a *really* ugly woman
Lena Dunham
I'd like to leave my condolences to it
That thing is a woman?
that thing exists?
@trent my voting for debate night won't work
So can I request it here
ill vote for you
Can you do:
Atheism vs Christianity
Cap vs Com
Climate Change
Were Nazis left wing
And business subsidies one
Here's an Anti-NBC meme
I just realised I kind a fucked the meme a bit up
Lemme fix it
Not the first one, the second
<@&350743715033120769> give my alt thats waiting in the reception channel normal user please xd
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx say something on ur alt
its offline