Message from @kkkk
Discord ID: 371212514920235008
A nEw acCOUnT + NEW IP ADdresS = AnyOne cAN watcH yOUR SeRVEr ANY tIme if THeY waNT to. no MATTeR HOw MANy peOpLe You bAn. onE cAn JOiN THe SeRvER anD keEP loW by not SayiNg a WORD AnD NOt GEt baNnEd EvER, yeT wATCh EVErY STeP yoU MakE WiTHOUT yOU KNoWInG It. oh nO, It'S a pUBlic SErVER! No SaFE SpACES For You HERe. keEP bEinG pARAnOiD aNd Losing yOur MosT ACTIVE uSers WhOm YoU CALl 'lOW QUaLITY' evEN thoUGh thEY aRe ThE hEARt AnD sOUl of This SeRvEr. All THAT wHILe thE MOds onLy GIGGle likE LITTLe gIrLs ANd shitposT 99% OF tHE TIme and hoLd WOmeN/aNimE/Traps at fAuLt if soMeTHinG GoEs wRONG anD MAKE uP rIDiCUlouS cONPiRaCY ThEorieS BaSEd ON tHAt. NiCe exCuse. yoU ArE tHe REaL men, keEp It UP! YOUR Good USErs (evEN peOpLE whO You, yoURSElvEs, gAVE GOLd) lOok AT thiS NONsENSE AnD Leave oN tHEIR OwN. tHIs sErVeR WiLL Be dYiNG out TiMe And TiME again LiKe it HaS AlREady many tImeS bEFoRE, fOR tHe ReAsONs mENTiONeD ABovE.
@.π’πΉπΈπΈπ΄π ππΎπ π
@.π’πΉπΈπΈπ΄π ππΎπ π
I was watching a ww2 video wtf yt
Is he 13?
Doesn't look old enough to be on youtube
How did a 13 years old kid managed to get a ad?
Sup guys, I like to smoke dope and fuck your bitch.
<@!132778743621091328> unmute me im a noice guy
Grandma meme