Message from @Light
Discord ID: 362813046286057473
np chubby
@drinkbleach is psycho pathic bitch
because attention whore
@Maddy because she's an attn whore
its not fun
also she's fat
~300 lbs.
she no longer walks
because rolling is more efficient
when you reach full spherical shape
just tuck the little hands into the fat
and keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'
@neodantedemon yes
and hi
@drinkbleach btw 20 mins ago @coyote_man78 pm'ed me asking to ban you
Why snitch? ^
@neodantedemon why
coyote is a weird dude
@neodantedemon wait sorry i was busy
say that again
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx DO IT
she's like 300 lbs
she can come back when she's a healthy weight
@coyote_man78 im banning you
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx didn't she just share a picture of coyote
which is against the rules?