Message from @absurdrgnfly
Discord ID: 362815971234152450
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx didn't she just share a picture of coyote
which is against the rules?
the actual is haps rn
literally doxxing?
i would rather have her here than him
Coyote is a badass
Can I break the rules too
he's not
Don't van coyote
can we all break rules then?
fox news s for shills
this discord is filled with fbi and cia shills
@coyote_man78 is worth 100 of bleach
and that's saying a lot, she's hefty
my favorite place to hang out
Banning people that everybody likes
drives down property value
tbqh fam,
@neodantedemon thats ironic comming from you
See extortion here
If you posted it, it's there for everyone to see, but she is exploiting it and the more it is shared the more people have it and can find out about him.
I stand with coyote
That ids a issue not a issue with this server
please report her to [email protected]
now stop spaming the mods dm's and report her to [email protected]
:9 wtf is this exodus shitttt 😦
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx I am not spamming it's case of squeaky week gets the grease here
@Bloodywasher It's beta orbit central.
!voteban @drinkbleach