Message from @.PunishedShlomo
Discord ID: 363423148173033472
maybe you should explain your position masterbait
@BurritoChick maybe try to make friends with immigrants?
immigrants with large noses if you know what i mean
@Baconator postion what position not sucking the dick of scared of females fag called @Charlemagne ?
Masterbait your digging a hole for yourself
Jesus fuck can you stop sucking dick?
he always had a soft spot for me but hey
If you wanna get favors go on
he is a friendly facist, he just wants what is best for you. you need to realize your place as a low, low housewife with no privilages or rights to vote
@Baconator sure when he actually gets out of his paretns basement and provides for a family
you might get lucky and be able to bear arian children
if he has the gallbladder of course
😩 Charlemagne
@BurritoChick you are just far too subversive. thinkin women have the right to go to college, have intelligent thoughts, race mix
all far too degenerate
@Baconator I demanded the tag fucking degenarate your point is?
you just need to realize your place
fat eurotrash women are disgusting
and acknowledge charlemagne as your true french father
whe charlemange grows a pair and stop using his mod rights
Maître de français.
but either way he made laugh like never before
he is the daddy you never had
love him
accept him.
embrace him against your large bossoms and pray to him each night that you will not be racially cleansed during the race war
@Baconator my dad was shit but man he supported his parents not lived in their basement like the frenchie in here