Message from @Zephial
Discord ID: 368954976136855553
capitalism is most definitely a right-wing ideology. Everything on the right side is religious or political, while everything on the left is economic?
@Zephial capitalism is equated to those who don't believe folk and closed borders.
left = collectivist, right = individualist
@Polygon no it is not the goal post has moved
how has the goal post moved
@Polygon because communism socialism capitalism and ancap all believe in the financial system as the cornerstone of a nation
by every standard, capitalism is a right wing ideology
Jew banking = leftist
The standard of Paul Ryan?
The Paul Ryan Shekle Standard
no, every standard you shit head
@Zephial Depends in my opinion Zephial. Balancing economic distress (women giving up and resorting to prostitution for cash) with "principles"
You know the guy who is such a collective he amnesty?
Not to say those principles aren't important
But can't we balance it?
go be an edgelord somewhere else lmao
principles are set in stone and need to stay there for a civilized nation i believ
The GOP is not the political party of reagan
That was then this is now
you're arguing two different points and acting like it's one argument. there are collectivists and capitalists on both sides of the political spectrum
im not even sure capitalism would be on either side
it is just economic for most part anyways
I am responding to two different responses
The new political collectivism is uniting under a financial system.
the meme you posted equated religion to economic systems
not equated, sorry. It compared***
No the difference between the left and the right is that the left wants to build a nation with a financial system as its cornerstone. The right doesn't
@Polygon ^^
so what do we supposedly want as the cornerstone of our nation?
Theocracy want religion. The others want race
Western Values are the cornorstone of our Nation
Or blood and soil
Aryanism is blood and spirit