Message from @nightstalker
Discord ID: 369708801122631690
Charlemagne 😩
where is daddy charlie
i want selena gomez to stick her pointer finger down my urethra
@cooldad92 my fried nearly hooked up wth her
you mean up? @cooldad92
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***coyote#8348 was banned!***
that real?
who banned coyote?
for what?
Cuz he had a disablity
?unban coyote#8348
?unban @coyote#8348
<:dynoError:314691684455809024> I can't find that user.
@nightstalker i cant wait to ban you
No y
because your dad got fired from his job at
who will protect you now
No trent daddy still has his job