Message from @Jvstin
Discord ID: 371150618112425987
troll alert
unmute me plz
viva la france?
oui oui
Where were you?
darth dawkins left when the autistic kids showed up
can i be unmuted now
Lol Darth
Darth is great
Yeah he's fun
he p smart
You wanna like fuck off
idk what other servers he goes on
I feel like all he does all day is read books though lol
His argument is good but he fails to apply it to his own world view lol
It's circular beyond belief
@Huma_Abedin Unmute me fag
yea me too
i didnt call you a fag
but you didnt mute me
I yhink
he probably did
Huma did
Well can someone tell the faggot to fuck off with this shit
It's been 10 minutes
un mute me please
@somerussianguy can you ask them to unmute me since it's been 10 minutes
I think I muted