Message from @sithfreeman
Discord ID: 371816901267161102
Laissez Faire capitalism is a soul-less shitter society
im actually now a laisser faire theocrat, not monarchist
did someone say ROADS?
or if you want a neo-feudalist theocrat
Theocracy is good, but why capitalism 🙁
then youre fine
Feudalism is ok in my books
capitalism is the best
laisser faire capitalism would fuse the class of feudalism minus the priest class
natcap my goys
i would put the church above it to keep moral in check and encourage volutary collectivism
the media would be church owned
what if a person is sexulaly a sub?
they would like being abused
outside of that it would be laisser faire
part of moral overwatch is arresting rapist
forced collectivism create moral individualism like the snowflake
@sithfreeman how do I get a GF?
@JJcarter21R Pay the price
Im poor
im in a unoin I got no money
but do we still need eminent domain to take property?
we need a gun
what about to take property to drill for oil?
Just buy the lawn
i actually against public roads
because public roads are the main subidies to immigration and globalisation
yes thanks
public roads are welfare for the wealthy
the landlord
im for neo-feudalism
"because public roads are the main subidies to immigration and globalisation" explain this
without public roads, the immigrants are required to ask the owners of the private roads to move around the country
and not all owners are accepting of immigrants
the state owns the booze