Message from @Kurokami ✝🤴🇧🇪
Discord ID: 371827963294908426
@WingALingDragon some people do not make anything themselves though. I.e. richman inherits from his dad, who inherited from his dad, who inherited form his dad
cultural individualist are the most supporters of welfare
muh ebil rich inheritence
because they want the state to take care of themselves
>puppo gets called out
Any group orientated towards a goal would have a minority of highly industrialist people doing the majority of work.
that's true
no i'm just curious
boring. debate night is not for me
oh okay
People like to say "muh ebil inheritence" but they ignore the context behind families becoming wealthy and how wealth accumulates or bleeds in a family
In a truly free society, money bleeds in the hands of the incompetent
no matter how much was inherited
this was the case during the Gilded Age
wealthy individualist are the porky strawman the commies use
Yeah if the guy isnt giving enough he deserves to have it stolen
Rags to riches to rags cycle
yeah I wouldn't like that
while the poor individualist are the socialist that want to steal from the wealty to benefit themselves
I just want to say that I approve of how civil this discussion is.
It's matter of authoritarianism
If only chat was this civil all the time.
collectivists will always seek to expand the power of the state
which is incompatable with true individualism
That's a false belief, though.
you're a false retard
oh wait
to put moral above your own interest isnt individualist
So I am not a retard? Thanks.
sorry it was mostly a meme
But seriously. The belief that if you give one hundred monkeys typewriters and an entire lifetime to work, they will eventually write Shakespeare, has been proven to be statistically impossible.
so that's a meme
you're memeing now
Meming the truth
they'd probably try to poop on them or something