Message from @Aryan Republic
Discord ID: 371849495341957120
pinguy you got unmuted
Pingoy your unmuted
but I was mutted
fuck this shit
no one gives me this shit
pinguy you are loved
Pingoy start talking
@🐧🐧 Pingu 🐧🐧 dude i just told you why you were muted
@Fusion , thats a good question
Daymn Id hit that shit
@AcousticApple what group are these from. They look alpine
dutch and swedish
nice mix, i like their phenotype
beautiful people
I understand that Aryans have had a lot of admixtures but for the most part we are pure.
The meme that we are all mixed is a lie.
the bottom left one
looks better
they actually train, but the suck at combat lol
shabbat shalom my nigga
can I get undeafend, cuh?