Message from @absurdrgnfly
Discord ID: 373046209084129281
too much estrogen in the water and hormones in the food, of course kids are going to like ballet
by HIGH T like me
fuck that i do pre workout before i go to sleep
and work out in my sleep
How can white girls exist without god?
the truth is, you have a smooth brain if you can't comprehend god
whoah i feel like ive said exasctly that sentence in voice chat before
You can use magnests to diable people brains and make them not believe in God.
we get a lot of edgy 17 year old athhiests in tihs server
who know god is just a MEME BRO
magnets are satan u r tellin me?
what even are magnets, i can understand god, but not magnets
Whats up with open mouth pics?? Its like every numale take this dumb pose
comment from 4chan ^
i love