Message from @Make others happy =3
Discord ID: 373235079654277120
Saying america should take in all refugees
Not sure what that means, I was right
Without a source
Yeah, if America fucks the middle east America has the responsibility to take the refugees in
If you don't want refugees don't fuck with other countries
oh sorry didn't know that 320 million us citizens killed 600,000 iraqi children
solid logic xuid 10/10
The current conflicts in Somalia, Syria and The Levant have nothing to do with the US
@OOFgouf What is your point? That you're not responsible for the actions of your country?
why the fuck would i be]
>Nothing to do with America
Pick one
their country has been in shit for years, long before we got involved
@OOFgouf You reap the benfits of your countries actions, you should reap the consequences as well. You're also responsible for either voting like a retard or not killing the people in power
well im fine with not reaping those benefits if my government decides not to invade
how about the us president of the time take responsibility?
or the guys who bombed civilians
That's nice and all, it doesn't seem like that's happening
Xuid. You are missing a massive portion of this. The Obama administration has been viciously refusing the Christian refugees while admitting Muslims in large numbers. Additionally the designator for a Refugee is that they move to the nearest habital country. Why does Saudi Arabia not offer its million tents? The cost of bringing refugees over here is larger than that of going anywhere else near their original country. So why are you also against them having the highest quality possible?
@Make others happy =3 i have only seen one of your messages but I already understand why you're cuck status
oh so justice isn't being served properly, let's just serve injustice to act as a bandaid 😃
You are preaching karma and your hippie new age bullshit is not only laughable but masochistic
> been in TRS for under 15 min
> already a cuck
gotta be some kinda record
@OOFgouf That oof tho
@𝔒𝔱𝔱𝔬 𝔈𝔯𝔫𝔰𝔱 ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔯 shut up
@LaCraig there's been faster
dont ever laugh in my server ever again @𝔒𝔱𝔱𝔬 𝔈𝔯𝔫𝔰𝔱 ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔯
Wouldn't be surprised
@trent Ha Ha!
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for Otto#0484, +Cuck., -Patriot