Message from @Make others happy =3
Discord ID: 373238253047906305
i mean, i was only 7 when the war started but you know...
You lack of understanding warfare is laughable
@OOFgouf Do you inherit your parents money? Why exactly shouldn't you inherit their blame for the shit country they helped create?
What lack of understanding?
Honestly embarassing for you to say that if we attack our enemies we should help our enemies
>Attack our enemies
Iraq? Afghanistan? Libya?
Future Syria?
Dude, quit while you're ahead. Shareblue can't pay you enough to cinvince all these people of your beliefs
You are misrepresenting the chain of command. To the soldiers, airmen, marines, seals, and everyone else who dealt with those fucks, yes they were the enemies
If you are now trying to take the pacifist's stance you are better off wanting to bring the troops home and house them
How am I misrepresenting them? They were not you enemies untill you invaded their countries
Additionally, are you aware that Germany's refugees have taken money to go and vacation back home. Taxpayer funded
I'm not a pacifist. I think there are legitimate reasons for war. I'm at the most non-interventionist.
why would someone take a vacation to where they are fleeing? Why in all the photos of military aged men do i see few if any women and children?
>If you are now trying to take the pacifist's stance you are better off wanting to bring the troops home and house them
Sure you should bring the troops home. They shouldn't be housed though as they are trash people.
If you don't respect our troops and have the audacity to call them "trash people" then you are going to stay cucked for awhile
>why would someone take a vacation to where they are fleeing? Why in all the photos of military aged men do i see few if any women and children?
If you're going to argue this then you'll have to provide some stats for the % of them that do this. Additionally you'd have to provide proof it's a vacation and not for other reasons like brining people away from a shit situation.
@Cpt.Pipedream ban them
Not going to entertain a cuck when they ask for proof
>Respect our troops
Why the fuck would I respect people who go and kill people overseas for no good reason?
That's laughable
if you want to dodge the fact then you will have to make a clear reason why it is false. not waste my time to google what you can easily do
no queers, no traps, no anti usa
everyone sees your failing debate tactics. No one is impressed
What fact?
That they vacation to their home countries with taxpayer dollars
No fact was presented, a claim was made without a source
Sure, present it
or even better
the colour of the cuck role should be brown
unmute me you little cuck.
I am going to assume you are willing to change your mind by asking me for the source
pink is to good for cucks
I love (((libertarians))) who claim words == action and mute people they disagree with
Huffpost is acceptable
@Make others happy =3 this is a