Message from @Shwubblz ツ
Discord ID: 554646929720606721
I thought people stopped saying that already
@modernityfailed#0966 oh I’ll send a invite
I dont know why I joined the server, i.dont belive in the flat earth
Most people here don’t, we just here for laughs
You prolly joined to debate.
@Zeldarraria yea lol
Or from Josh and memeulous
I saw memulous
I joined to mess with flatties and only found out about Memes and Joshy’s video afterwards @Shwubblz ツ
So you are a troll?
We want to "mess" with flatties, he means debate.
How to post a picture?
Whatz to debate?
Its flat
NASA has cgi fake bullshit
Check your Oracle (google)
I wanna civilly debate.
No thx
Flatties come please
You dont seen serious
I dont waste my time
Why not? Please? I just want to debate wit someone who will listen to the opposite party, and not shut them off.
Check the pinned msgz
Put me in civil debate please, im not here to waste time
hey there friends
You have nothing to say
I used to be you
This isnt the place for anti FE trolls schwubb
He just wants to talk @Citizen Z
Then why were you I VC still debating last night, if we have nothing to say.
And debate
No thx. More important things to atm
I'm learning here