Message from @manuel
Discord ID: 554670539793235988
slowmode is a sad thing
So that they dont get attacked by memelous fans
Its so annoying
Its on 10 seconds, can't you make it like 5 seconds, or 2
I thouth that the flat earth was a joke, now I see that people are serious
Still annoying but oh well
that person from australia in the 24/7 server
Does anyone here believe that the earth is flat?
their voice is so cool
The earth is an egg shape
i wish i could do that
the earth is actually an earth @Kirah / Neggles / Kirelle
I take that as u being a believe @Citizen Z
My spelling lmao
Dude, how come we can legit sail/fly around the earth
Not trolling
How do I talk in other channels btw?
the earth is large, thats the reason why you cant see the curve
we can sail across the earth
because we have boats
If it was flat
The Earth is Byzantium
WeI would fall off
----> ice wall ----> dome barrier ----> edge
Is that serious?
you need to get pass the ice wall and dome before the edge
thats a lunar eclipse if the earth was flat
sorry dude you wouldnt fall off