Message from @Pootismann🎃
Discord ID: 375809591050764288
this is boring
flat earth?
i want to get bingo
im so close
Lol this is good
How many of you have read the whole Bible
@Misnomer post progress
you're almost there
so close
@Misnomer top right shows up pretty often
christian world view?
yeah but i want a proper statement on it
thats every ones favorite word though... nigger... not chink... or something els... always nigger.
@Token That's because chinks are smarter than we are <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
does he go on about that?
oh shit fam
yeah... generally.... but... yeah.. I did say something else though... what about wetback...
@Token at least wetbacks work
blacks work though...
@Token it doesn't count if you have to hit them with a whip first
Oh ok...
You'd have to whip wetbacks too if they weren't getting dollahs
@twofree yeah but you have to whip everyone p much
@twofree if dollars don't count
Lol tru
nice lol <:GigaLul:363417447078035457>
that gonna suck