Message from @Goongan
Discord ID: 363364573346136064
Mix all those together
And boom
You know I have my county tag on <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
aus... tralien? aus... trian?
I'll let you figure it out
did CC get banned or something?
>did cc get banned
I thought this was serious chat
then why did we change servers?
@Goongan Jew admins banned cc
Because the past server had been taken over by people from the EU and UK
So the remaining American staff members burnt the place to the ground
No it was the Jew discord company
And moved us here
@VicariousJambi this is serious chat cmon guy
Oh is it
Remember back in the day, there would be flame wars between Europoors and Burgers
Never apologise for being European
Live in the sense that you are European
although im Polish so im not a cuck
what's happening in catalonia is why the 2nd amendment is a good thing
I’m an American
Not European
as am I
I still follow foreign politics
I'm from the norh pole and am following foreign politics as well
i have a pretty strange theory
it is basically how since many of the Bolshevik hrs were jewish
Serious topic
What's this?
and how they came into German around 20s and 30s, so when hitler was around
Fuck u
and hitler originally used the communist his hate excuse
but since the majority of the Bolshevism were jewish
His hate for communism sparked into anti Semitic beliefs