Message from @oli
Discord ID: 371110720323977216
U.S. Ran $666 Billion Deficit In Fiscal 2017 - WTF
I'm interested
I had never heard of black pigeon
thanks for this video
6 >the man is from Gaza
>his wife is Palestinian
can you guys downvote the comment cuck please
i know its petty but im feeling petty lmfao
hes been stalking me re the phone call shit like a cuck
You remind me of those people in YouTube comments. "They said something I didn't like so pls do the same to them"
A waste of energy, really.
America isn't a democracy
browsing is addicting
do i need a mod to unmute me so i can hear in voice lobby 1.
undefen your self
it doesnt work, seems like its only on this server cause I am not muted on other any voice chat
i cant hear the debated QQ =/
it worked fine on last friday for the debate, havnt been able to hear anything since on here
do i need to register on the server or use a @command or anything
no matter how many times i click the unmute and undeafen buttons on my side, it does Nothing for the muted and deafened state of me in the voice channel
RIP my friday night
Muslims aren't bad. I had a nice friend in school that was a muslim. She was a nice girl. Okay, not ALL muslims are bad.
well, yeah, with almost every demographics, you can't confidently say that they are ALL bad
Some of them are just ALLAH AKBAR!!! and others are very nice innocent people.
Anti islamopbia groups are honestly depressing
They want to end islamaphobia, by decreasing military costs (that can be used to actually end ISIS) and using that money to create propaganda to make islam look better