Message from @pleb
Discord ID: 362833252513480706
This is the new CC
the old server
coca cola?
ye dude
centipede central
coke zero is shit
haha Get me out of these chains nibbas
Im a female
once a male
i'm guessing this is a 4chan pepe type discord?
@Meta Mirage if they argue that makes them transphobic
well at least by their logic
Respect my gender! All 99 of them!
Hmm yeah I guess this is like a pepe type of discord lol
rip no embed
@Meta Mirage Today we take back kekistan!
Kekistan :)
LOL he wishes
Hugh is going to hell
no doubt about it
Mainly because he promoted adultery
also he had 3 girlfriendas at once, im pretty sure god frowns upon degenerecy
my uncle sadly died today
scary thing is?
was hefner your uncle
my other uncle died at the same place
for the same reason
last year
im not white lol
( ó _ò)
hey bro, we have no races here...this is a safe place
but he could be