Message from @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx
Discord ID: 363018004252065792
like what?
@king Did Brit seriously intend on adding a furry channel to Centipede Central?
Time to ask the other side.
has anyone ever posted proof one way or the other on the furry bullshit?
The claim made by Composers and Thonky is that Brit said such over voice chat.
@VicariousJambi So because of that there's no proof one way or the other.
There statistically can't be.
@! Q ! ask and you shall receive
@Fusion are there mod logs of brit previously being a furry?
like has he ever even talked about it
Only a screencap that @Scary_Clown has, and that could logically be argued as Brit meming.
There were claims that Brit had a furry skin as his avatar on the CC minecraft server, but I have seen no picture proof of this.
The claim is potentially valid, however, but needs evidence to back it up.
don't you ever threaten me or my son again
The admins that did the coup could have easily been obtained evidence before doing it
you should have let whytho delet CC
what is this
@king you're a big pruner
@Autistic Dog at one point literally everyone had admin so
"delet CC"
give me ownerhsip of cc @BASED_BRIT
tfw missed all the drama <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
@king link proof thats associated to him?
bane post central
@trent I did that :^)
wat happen
give ownership