Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 363036516785586176
how am i a nazi
Being a patriot means you are a nazi???
@VicariousJambi just look at your avatar
looks german and nazi
Omg lol
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for Immortal#7318, +Cuck., -Patriot
thats what its from dummy
does that look german to you
American as apple pie
How so?
Reminder North Korea is estimated to consume up to 25% of its GDP for it's large military.
I like how some people think we care enough about them to share their negative opinion of this place
*sweats profusely*
*scans the room and sees Jambi staring off Immortal*
*six shooter in hand*
so like america?
like no one cares go away
_laughs profusely_
"haha frick CC the_donald is best amirite?"
<- mfw immortal thinks my avatar is nazi
@!𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓮 𝓟𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓷 I think he wants the Cuck role too.
Y-all place real nice now ya hear
brb couping the coup server that couped CC because the_donald is my senpai server
lol t_D = cuck central
literally nobody missed you nosnek
<@215600520361017344> nah