Message from @Heatbeat
Discord ID: 363042643632193536
No noo
i said it outloud
am i fucking retarded
No it's not tur
vee tuhr
I mean it is in English
But in my loval language
It's uh
they dont have ladders in flow-rida?
aw ya baby
ladders, fuck that shit i use a water fed pole
Sigh idk how to explain the o sound
did that bitch in 5 hours
stop taking pictures of other peoples homes
thats against the law
hey autism, get fucked
>not 😛
they dont care, they tell me its fine, its the videos i cant post
i was on dr phil
advertisement brother
@ah >not 🤤
I'm sure you were
@Autistic Dog @amygdala the o sound is hard to explain