Message from @Dino
Discord ID: 363053421198311431
Ancap = anticapitalist?
No, Marx was an anarcho capitalist
He was just a good guy, trying to do good.
<@215600520361017344> why are you cucked snek?
marx was so anarchist omg
Marx was...
so apparently a local newspaper here in Iceland published a comic that's getting some flak here by leftists
Marx was the all-father of all.
>here in iceland
>Marx wants a government free society
>hurr durr hes not anarchist
This server is going to get shoah'd
>marx wants a government free
holy Mary mother of Jesus, we got commies in here
Iceland has leftists even after the bankers got thrown out?
I've translated it and showing you lads, some people think its xenophobic
Don't advertise it as a nazi server
>government free
As something
Oh I can't post pictures, imgur it is
Its not a nazi server
marx sure did like bakunin and etc
>forgets about millions of deaths caused by socialism
"Socialism is great!"
Marx was just doing his thing; writing about what the best ideology is: communism
Marx didnt want to kill people fucking lol
Marx wanted capitalism to kill itself
@ItalianStallion you switching between this and politics server too?
Sure he didnt
He wanted unrestricted capitalism to lead to the collapse of it
if i wasnt too busy getting drunk rn i would debate you commie bastards
Nah, Im just here @WrasslinMan
We need a strong, male leader. Like Stalin. He was a great guy too.
i think this guy reads too much pol <:FeelsGoodMan:356316480645890048>