Message from @Drakus_
Discord ID: 363379892051640339
Cease this faggotry
why did you get mod lmao
Nah, youre just a shit mod
You cant cuck someone for MEMEING
what a fucking retard, holy shit
meming about sucking peoples dics?
I bet ur both from the EU
@Juan Rico wtf
He was memeing
why *not* ban someone for memeing?
@king maybe he cucked him for a meme?
its just a prank bro
Idk man!
Being a Muslim in Europe must be great, you can rape the hottest girls you see if you want and no jail...
>Juan Rico constantly acts like a shit mod
>keeps mod
I thought we did this to get away from all the furry bullshit.
@Juan Rico he was memeing???
I don't think so.
Nigga stole my bike
uwu *nodices ur bulge* xd
honestly i thaught he was spamming gay shit tbh
>cucks someone for no reason and asks for shower pics or theyre stuck in there forever
>still a mod
*nuzzles in ur shoulder intensly*
@king wtf
>acts completely retarded
>it was a meme
making fun of furries is *basically* being a furry
coup 2.0
coup 2.0
@king who gives a fuck if he was meming, the entire reason you fucked over the other server was to get away from that furry trap bullshit