Message from @BlueInfinityX
Discord ID: 363400495123136513
@WILLdaBeastXXX > Nazi
To a black Jew
^^ gass
Sweden is lost and Muslims have won it
I actually like the swede flag
its not bad
Speaking of flags
speaking of fags
its a trap
blue and yellow are good together
be nice @BlueInfinityX
Swedes will eventually loose authority, be invaded and bred out of existence
@Mjold Böns Be nice cuck
we can only hope
eks dee
Weeaspoo you want swedes extinct?
"we wuz pure arians and shiet"
idgaf about swedes
did it rain by you today
I aint swedish
whats this tropical thing by cuba
@Mjold Böns idgaf about cucks
yeah it's pouringg
Sweden brings trouble on themselves if they dont vote for their democrats
wait wait, I might be larping again
@Mjold Böns If someone tried to commit genocide on your people what would you do?
is spending £280 on glasses to much?
against *my* people?
Serousouis question
its more likely than you think
In other words 375.18
On glasses
actual genocide, fight back
i hated paying it