Message from @KennyD
Discord ID: 363503858221187072
can't deny it's kinda gay
They got the Mexican guy, the flying Sihk, and shit like that, but at the end of the day they don't take my welfare.
but I grew up watching it
same year randy savage literally gets shit sprayed in his car on nitro. kevin nash as booker: FUCK THIS COMPANY
A mere taste of another culture with 100% less rape
WCW was always kinda a mess
they just had a good run
they had two years with the nwo then fucked it up at starcade then the year 2000 happened and I dont think we need to talk about it
la parka
norman smiley as hardcore champ screaming like an idiot
he was huge in mexico for a long time
the nwo was awesome at first
then they added 100 guys including rodman and FUCKING VIRGIL
> Mexico
yeah lol
i liked wwf raw is war
this shit they have on now sucks
after WCW folded it was down hill for WWE as well tho
I dont watch. I read what they do with this roman regins guy and he gets booed everywhere as a babyface. taker and the rock put him over at there two biggest shows and he still cant get over. this companies dead
They've fucked up big time with reigns
dont forget trish
I actually think reigns is pretty good but jesus, you need to fix that situation.
just turn him heel
trish ❤
if they just did the silent heel badass who has heyman talk for him it could have worked. instead they tried cena 2.0 and its bombed
she’s trash now she had her implants removed
now she’s just an itty tittie bitty bitch with an ugly nose
god damn though
they had some amazing looking women. trish, lita, dawn marie, kelly kelly, candice,
didn't she have them removed while she was still active?
wtf why'd she get them removed
her tits were not that big towards the end of her run
well they looked pretty big tbh
no after she retired