Message from @WILLdaBeastXXX
Discord ID: 363537495054614529
@VicariousJambi L8R
It took me and others having a choice, but this is CC now.
@VicariousJambi good night
@futurestorms home is where the fams at. our fam is here.
Can we Have a clinton investigation channel
what's going on with clinton?/
@Sed Yup. 100%
It's the clinton body count and shit
@Deleted User ac5acc68 Her info is too far and in between right now imo.
happening channels are for like
unfolding situations that are moving quickly
@trent Gib perms back
things that are well... actually happening
as much as I want clinton to fry...not actually happening currently <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
@Sed Tbh it probably won't. Nobody can touch them
Or they'll get their power structure gutted
certainly seems that way
Which would be better
God, i want to fire up the laptop and play a game, but i drank a bit and know i'll suck ballzzzz
@sithfreeman can I get my perms??
@WeWillNeverYield y did u tag me
Oh well. Iced cream and NCIS. cozy time.
mmm ice cream
@WeWillNeverYield Sorry, not up to me
@mew is not illegal because I love you
@sithfreeman Where do I go?
@WeWillNeverYield disturbing
you know... sprinkles are under rated
@WeWillNeverYield DM King or Composers about it
Ok, they'll probably get back to you sooner or later about it
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***nightstalker#9356 was banned!***