Message from @Heatbeat
Discord ID: 363687197318316034
Russia supports donald trump
How are you
living in TN is about as based as it gets
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx Hi Pefi
Tennesse voted for bill clinton twice
sorry, I don't know all the codes for the states in your great country
I just woke up and feel bad
what about you @!Co-Owner!
Dang that's bad
hey pef
I'm ok
Frick don't feel bad
Why are you feeling bad
Heck it's a wonderful day out there
The best states in america are west wirginia and Mississippi
can you have and shoot guns in those states?
Pretty sure you can have guns yh
Like most of america no?
not all states as far as I know
Maybe not california or vermont
Bernie Sanders great state of Vermont
My greaa stath of Vermohnt !
I was in the Jacob K. Javits' convention center on election night, I was there to watch Clinton supporters cry
@Deleted User 904fdf23 thanks
no problem
@Logical-Scholar must've been a satisfying sight
did you take a video? @Logical-Scholar
@futurestorms yep is raining
No they fucking turned off the coverage so I watched from phone and it ran out
After trump won florida
@PapyGill <:ThinkStare:356316814847901698> hereโs a video of them crying xD @Rev
Doesn't show all tho, I heard some people saying they saved up to move to canda
Almost all the american friends/acquaintances that I have promised to move to Canada in case of Trump winning, but so far no one did that
Imagine there's no Islam